•"George, something's on your face." (Dreamnotfound)•

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Made on: 18th of November 2020
Published on: 19th of December 2020

Dream was known for being quite the trickster, so when Dream were to stare at random people it meant two things: he's judging you or he's planning a way to prank you. So when Dream were to stare at George for too long, he would  become self-conscious. While Dream was staring, George was occasionally sneaking glances to see of he could deter Dream from staring but that didn't work. So he did what anyone would do in that situation, he ignored.

"George, there's something on your face."
"Hm? Oh where?" George started feeling random places on his face to see what it was.
"Right. . . here." Dream walked over to him and placed a light kiss onto George's cheek. While George flared up, Dream smiled cheekily,

"It was me..." 

George began to swat away Dream's face before he leaned down on once again and placed a passionate kiss on top of George's lips. Though, he swatted it away at first, he found himself liking the kisses he was being supplied by Dream.

"Ok, ok Dream stop!!~"

The kissing charade had been going on for quite the while now and though George enjoyed it he had other things to do. When he said that to himself, Dream abruptly pulled away and said, slyly:

"I think I got it off of your face."

George caught onto what Dream was doing, he was teasing him. So he decided to play along...

"Really? Cause I think there's something on my neck." George said while exposing his neck for Dream.

Now it was Dream's turn to flare up but that didn't let him not play along. He reduced the distance between them to a few centimetres. Their words were now slow and sedated

"Oh? But I don't see anything.. . "
"Really? Check again"
"Actually wait I do see something. . ."

Following that statement, Dream closed the distance between them and began to place small kisses on George's neck. George's heart fluttered at each kiss but he needed more and before either of them could register what this was leading to, they were already making out on the couch.

Word Count: 367

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