Long distance (but not?) (Dreamnap)

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Made on: 28th of May 2021
Published: 8th of June 2021

They're both teens btw

Sapnap giggled to himself as he heard Dream's voice flow through his shitty phone (he was saving up to buy a new one).

"Hi babe,"

Dream's caramel voice greeted, voice clearly hoarse but endearing all the same.

His hair was tussled in the prettiest way possible and Sapnap swore that his green eyes only got brighter over time.

"Sapnap? Did you freeze or something?"
"No! I'm here, just you froze?"

Sapnap said with such uncertainity that Dream instantly knew that he was lying.

"You were looking at me weren't you?"

Dream asked smugly, ego clearly being inflated by his boyfriend practically worshipping him with his eyes.

"Not my fault you're pretty!"

Sapnap huffed, pretending to be pouty when on the inside he felt like the warm stickiness from a melted marshmallow.

"It really isn't is it?"

Dream barked out cockily, passing a hand through his hair.

"I really gotta stop complimenting you huh? You'll be a fucking air balloon from like 2 compliments,"

Sapnap ranted, though it held none of the desired malice, being betrayed by the way a slight fondness dripped into his voice.

"Ok ok, enough about me, how was your day doll?"

Dream asked, clearly knowing what the nickname did to Sapnap when he saw the light blush sneak onto his face.

At first, Sapnap was stumbling over words, asking why Dream was asking when he was in school with him, but eventually got into a rhythm and began to talking eagerly about his day, even down to what he ate.

Even if Dream and Sapnap went to the same secondary school, they were in different forms.

Meaning that they had different schedules.

Meaning that they could only look at each other through the windows of the other's class while they were on break.

"And then we--,"
"Babe, sorry to like interrupt but shouldn't we be going to sleep now?"

Dream offered, face cringing as he saw the sad look on Sapnap.

He presented himself like a kicked puppy, and he was sure that his puppy ears would be drooping if he had them.

"But it's only like 9? Besides, it's Friday!"

Sapnap defended, it was in fact nine and it was in fact Friday. (he made sure to actually check the date after he was teased endlessly for forgetting the date once).

"I know babe, but won't you be tired? I know that the coach made you do the jump thing,"

Dream was clearly talking about how he was on the cheer team, it was the only time that they could see each other in person so it was no surprise that Dream noticed the routine.

"Nah! I'm fine. . . promise. . ."

Sapnap paused in his sentence to yawn, clearly contradicting his statement about not being tired.

"Come on Sap, we promised that we would at least try to go to sleep early,"

Dream whined, though it held no demand.

"If you want me to go to sleep, you're going to have to strap me into my bed!"

Sapnap challenged, not knowing that Dream would do exactly that.

"Fine, keep your window open,"

Dream snarkily spoke, his sheets being pulled off of him as he grabbed something from under his bed.

His sneaking out time shoes.

"Oh my god Dream! You are not doing what I think you're doing!"

Sapnap giggled in disbelief, though when he saw the smirk on his face, he knew that he was screwed.

"You aren't coming to my house!"
"Oh yea? And who's stopping me?"

Dream asked, and though Sapnap couldn't see that he was running to his house due to the dark night, he knew that he was.

It only took around 10 minutes to get to Sapnap's house, but when Dream was running took about 5.

"Oh my fucking god!"

Sapnap remarked, watching as the small figure in the night was getting closer.

It was Dream.


He yelled, waving his arms around as if to give Sapnap a better idea of where he was.

"You idiot!"

Sapnap hollered, though he immediately hung up the phone and opened the window, awaiting for his 'knight' in shining armour.

"Open the window!"

Dream tapped on the window and gave Sapnap a pouty look, almost mockingly.

Sapnap stuck his tongue out at Dream as he opened the window, clearly being taken aback when said man launched forward and brought their lips together into a tender kiss.


Dream whispered against Sapnap's lips, never letting the man breathe as he crawled through the tinted window, closing it in the process.

A small whimper almost successfully made it's way up Sapnap's throat, but he was quick to constrict his lips, pulling away from a quick breath of air.

"You ok?"

Dream asked, hands alternating between grabbing Sapnap's waist or his hands.

"I'm-I'm fine, just like give me a warning next time?"

Sapnap sheepishly spoke, watching as Dream bashfully nodded.

"Sooooo. . . I can kiss you now?"

Dream asked, hands reaching out hesitantly.

Sapnap didn't answer verbally and he didn't need to, seeing as his body did it for him.

Sapnap's hands latched onto Dream's neck and smashed their lips together, making them collide so intensely yet so softly.

Welp, there goes sleeping.

Word Count: 890

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