Night calls (Dreamnotnap)

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Made on: 9th of March 2021
Published: 23rd of March 2021

Suggested by: Kryeestuckz

I don't know how travelling works/VISA /time zone

In my AU, Georg's timezone is two hours faster.

They hated the space between them, it made them so painfully aware that they weren't together, no matter how many times they would call, they would be aware that George couldn't actually feel the kisses that they sent them.

They knew that George couldn't actually feel Dream's warmth around him, when Sapnap and Dream would cuddle, George being kilometers away.

They knew that George couldn't actually feel Sapnap's plump, glossed lips over his own.

George wished he could feel Dream's warmth around, instead of his stupid blanket.

George wished he could feel Sapnap's soft kisses against himself but he can't, only the draft in his room.

George's fit

George frowned as he readjusted himself on his bed, getting ready to sleep call with Sapnap and Dream

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George frowned as he readjusted himself on his bed, getting ready to sleep call with Sapnap and Dream. He propped his phone on top of a small pillow and called Dream and Sapnap, not being surprised when he got an immediate answer.


Dream's voice rang through the phone, making George's sorrow slightly wither away.

"Hey Dreamie. . . where's Sapnap?"

George asked, voice slow and raspy.

"He's brushing his teeth, how was your day today honey?"

Dream asked, you could see the hearts in his eyes if you tried hard enough. He was already laying in his bed, facing George with disheveled hair and drooping eyes.

"It was ok. . . would've been better if you guys were here. . ."

George muttered the last part but it was still caught by Dream,

"Aww honey, I know it's hard but remember you get your VISA in two days! Oh! That reminds me, have you started packing?"

Dream asked, concerned about washing over his features. George smiled and nodded and said that he just needed to finish packing some hair ties. Dream was the natural 'protector' of George and Sapnap.

"Sapnap! Ya done yet?! Georgie's waiting!"

George heard the familiar taps of frantic steps and soon saw Sapnap running over to the phone and landing on top of Dream, making George giggle.

"Oof! Sapnap! Would you like not to land on me? You're like a giant teddy bear!"

Dream complained, no sense of annoyance to be found.

"Sorry~ But Georgie is so cute, how could I not?!"

Sapnap apologized, slipping into Dream's arms, Sapnap being the little spoon. Even if they were miles apart, George could still feel him flushing at the words, it was unfair how easily they could make him embarrassed with the simplest words.

"True. . . fine, your ass is saved, literally,"

Dream deadpanned, making Sapnap kiss the knuckles of the hand Dream had draped over him. That was another thing he was jealous of, how shameless they were to talk about . . . that

"Aww, Georgie's blushing!"

Sapnap cooed, making kissy faces against the phone. It was times like this when George could just forget about the space between them and just relax.

George huffed and plowed a pillow into his face to protect himself from the words of his beloved. He could hear the others cooing at him and he could hear the kissy noises, it just made his blush worse.

"Stopppppp! My face feels like a oven!"

George's words were slightly muffled by the pillow stuffed into his face. He could hear the giggles from the others and an apologetic sorry from Dream, Dream had always been one to make sure to respect boundaries.

George huffed and removed the pillow from his face, seeing the two just staring at him in fondness,

"Georgie! You gottaaa get your VISA, Dream is literally so warm!"

Sapnap ranted, making George once again huff,

"I know he's hot, inmorewaysthantemperature, but you don't need to keep reminding me!"

Dream smiled at the pair's bickering, and suddenly looked at the time.

"Baby, I think it's time we go to sleep, it's getting quite late,"

Dream acknowledged, making George groan and Sapnap look at Dream with pleading eyes.

"Pleasseee, can we stay up a little longer?"

Sapnap whined and carefully tugged on Dream's hand.

"It's ten over here and like twelve over there, we need to wake up early to help Gogy pack,"

Dream carefully rubbed Sapnap's back, making the smaller males groan in defeat.

"Promise you'll be here when I wake up?"

George asked sheepishly,

"Of course honey, we'll be here all night,"

Sapnap reassured, making George grin.

"Alright, good night idiots," George chirped,
"Good night sweetheart," Sapnap muttered,
"Goodnight babydoll," Dream ended,

Word Count: 780

Give me some trans!Fundy prompts/headcannons.

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