A Grand Finale

5.1K 97 161

No, I didn't end this book because of demotivation or because I don't want to anymore.

Apparently, Wattpad has a limit on how many chapters you can have in a book (200), and as you can see, we've hit that number.

It isn't a final goodbye, at least not yet. ( ❤ )

But I need your guy's honest opinion on this:

Do you want a second book?

I don't want to start a book and have no one to share the new adventure with.

Please tell me, even if you don't want to tell me in the comments where people can see it. Privately message me your opinion and I will take it into consideration.

This is important.


First: An origin story

I don't want to get all sappy but this is the first fandom I've been apart of where I felt the motivation to write.

I've been in countless fandoms (Sander sides, BNHA. . . that's it)

But never have I ever had time or the motivation to write for them.

Maybe it's because of the way that these content creators actually comfort me (?) or maybe it's because of the way that you guys just treat me with such respect.

Who knows?

My life with you guys has improved actually, it sounds stupid.

'How could writing for a bunch of random strangers bring you happiness?'

Well. . . I'll tell you.

1. The way that you guys keyboard spam/ leave nice comments/ just be all nice and wholesome in the comments.

The comments may seem incomprehensible and/or stupid to some people but as a writer, nothing excites me more than having people go incoherent with happiness over my story.

2. The way it gives me something to look forward to at the end of the day.

My days were usually filled with:

Play with siblings


But now that I've started writing, it gives me something that I can look forward to.

Something where I can just read your comments and smile, write with some soft music playing in my ears as I was already smiling as I imagined the way that you guys would react to the chapter that I worked so hard on.

And it's amazing that me, a simple writer who you know practically nothing about can make such an impact on your life.

Like, when I didn't update for about 5 days, I had people privately messaging me about how they missed me and how my stories made their day better.

And I truly appreciate it that I can have you guys expect something at the end of the day.


Second: Special Thanks

There are so many things I want to say but I just can't put it into words.

I want to tell you guys that I appreciate each and every one of you, but I just can't put it better words than that.

I want to spill my heart into the sweetest of riches and serve it on a silver platter because that is what you all deserve but my brain blanks everytime I try to convey that.

One person that I would like to give a special thanks to is @Angeloffoxes08, someone who's been there since the start and has supported me through it all.

They even promoted my book on their account with no force (meaning that I didn't ask them to, they just did!)

There are many people who I want to credit, but they are not here with us anymore.

They've either abandoned the book, or have found themselves in new fandoms.

And to all the readers who we have lost along the way, I would like to say thank you.

Thank you for sticking with us for as long as you could've, your presence/comments/votes will never be forgotten.

I hope you are happy in your new fandom, and have an author which will make you proud just as much as I did when you were with us.

You are all appreciated, the people who have praised me endlessly for my work? I love you

The people who were only in the fandom for a little? I love you

The people who were there since I had 6.2k reads? I love you.

Every type of reader:

Fat, slim, in the middle of both.

Tall short, just below/above average height

Tattoos or not

Person of colour or not

Lgbt+ or not

I love all of you and would give you the world if you asked.


Third: A small request

I apologize if this seems ill-mannered, but if anyone would be willing to make a cover for the new book. That would be highly appreciated.

Or perhaps a bio for the new book (can be aesthetically pleasing or not).

You can privately message me for the cover/bio. Info about it, how it would look, etc.

You will be credited highly for it, so don't worry about that! ❤


Fourth: A final farewell

Well. . . this is the end of the road.

The final obstacle, the final page in this book.

Every chapter was hand written by me for your enjoyment, and I hope that you were pleased with the results of every chapter as I was as I re-read over and over again.

Each word of your comments, the way that they compliment my work so highly, the way that you are the one reading this book.

It makes me feel as if I'm the most honoured author of Wattpad, being blessed with your presence, especially since you've made it so far.

Goodbye, guys, gals and non-binary pals.

Peace out!

Peace out!

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