Advancement (Dreamnap)

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Made on: 21st of March 2021
Published: 24th of March 2021

This is going to be me trying out something new
This is a chapter where Dream and Sapnap try making out

It's supposed to be steamy
But my heart and my brain said fluff ❤
So get this chapter where Sapnap is a blushy mess while Dream guides him

Sapnap's fit

Sapnap had been wanting to try something new with Dream for a long time, he had liked the slow pace that they had in their relationship but it was starting to get slightly boring

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Sapnap had been wanting to try something new with Dream for a long time, he had liked the slow pace that they had in their relationship but it was starting to get slightly boring.

He loved the small forehead kisses that he would get from Dream in the morning, the small rubs on the chub of his tummy, the way that Dream would snake his arms around his waist, nuzzle his hair and kiss him lovingly.

He loved it all, he really did
But he yearned for something more.

He definitely wasn't ready for that, get out you filthy fiends, but he was certainly prepared for their next advancement.

Sapnap was currently leaning onto Dream while scrolling through his phone. They were sitting on their bed, leaning onto the bedhead and were simply basking in each other's presence.

Dream was fiddling with the ends of Sapnap's skirt, oblivious to what Sapnap was thinking. Sapnap was desperately trying to bring up his issue but his anxiety had gotten the better of him and now he was just nervously squirming on the bed.

Dream suddenly stopped playing with the ends of Sapnap's skirt and sat up, making Sapnap furrow his brows in confusion.

"Ok, what's wrong, you've been squirming for the past five minutes, you usually do that when you wanna talk about something,"

Dream looked at Sapnap, concern prominent in his eyes. Sapnap looked down to ignore Dream's gaze but heard a huff come from the mentioned

"I know that I usually don't give the best advice but let me help you, please?"

Dream pleaded, grabbing Sapnap's hands and rubbing his thumb over knuckles. Sapnap swallowed and suddenly hopped onto Dream's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"I wan-ted to tr-y something new,"

Sapnap stuttered, feeling Dream's hands drop to his waist. Dream breathed out a breath of relief and slowly rubbed shy circles into Sapnap's hips.

"What did you want to try?"

Dream asked, slowly raking his hand through Sapnap's hair. Sapnap only whined and nuzzled his face further into Dream's neck.

"Words handsome,"

Dream swallowed the whine that ripped from Sapnap's throat, and smiled as he spotted the flushed boy reveal himself.

"I wanna try the next step,"

Dream felt his mouth dry at the words and his heart skip a beat. Sapnap shyly looked at him through his bangs as Dream recollected himself.

"Yea, yea, we can do that, you wanna lead or. . ."
"C-can you le-ad? I'm still not good,"

Dream smiled at Sapnap's shyness and tilted his chin up slightly with his finger, pulling him closer by the hip.

"There we go~ Relax for me, it's ok,"

Dream whispered against Sapnap's lips, he played with the ends of his skirt again and leaned in to connect their lips.

Sapnap raised himself from where he was sitting on Dream's lips, to try and control the amount of not pleasure but fulfillment .

Sapnap gasped when Dream's cold hand wandered underneath his sweater, feeling Dream smile against his lips.

"That feel good sweetie?"

Dream breathed out, Sapnap nodded rapidly, feeling the words die on his tongue. Dream smiled and readjusted Sapnap so he could see the unmarked pale skin on his neck.

"Look at that, so clean and pretty, all ready to be marked up by me, hm?"

Dream smiled as Sapnap's once coherent breath turned to panting.

"y-yea, only for," Sapnap paused to swallow his embarrassment, "you,"

Dream inhaled deeply at the words and embraced the shiver that racked Sapnap's body as he felt Dream's scorching breath on his neck.

Dream licked a stripe from Sapnap's jawline to his collarbone and smiled as he felt the hand that was on his green sweater tighten.

"Look at me pumpkin,"

Dream's breath hitched as the smaller boy locked eyes with him.

Sapnap's lips were parted, hot breath leaving them, his eyes were glazed over with something that Dream couldn't identify and his usually rosy cheeks were now flushed.

"So so pretty, all for me,"

Dream cupped Sapnap's cheek and brought him in for a loving kiss, feeling the pale boy smile.

"I love you so so much,"

Dream continued to whisper sweet nothings on Sapnap's plump lips while kissing, hearing the smaller let out a giggle.

Dream moved Sapnap's head slightly to reveal the sensitive skin of Sapnap's neck, and dove in.

When Dream latched his mouth onto Sapnap's neck, Sapnap jolted slightly and gasped when he felt some sucking start.

Dream carefully paid attention to Sapnap's neck, sucking rather lightly on Sapnap's sensitive parts to not overstimulate him.

"Feel good pumpkin?"

Sapnap froze at Dream's voice, it sounded unreasonably hot and dominant.

"I need to know honey, I can't continue if I don't know how you feel,"

Dream looked at Sapnap sympathetically and slowly rubbed Sapnap's forearms. Sapnap had apparently froze up completely for about a minute and didn't answer.

"It feels good, please please continue,"

Sapnap begged, feeling his head space slightly be dazed by the amount of please he was feeling. Dream smiled at the reaction and continued to please Sapnap, feeling the boy keen from where he was in his lap.

This continued for about ten minutes before Dream himself began to feel a little tired, he couldn't imagine how Sapnap was feeling.

Dream retracted his lips from Sapnap's neck, and Sapnap's once pale skin was now covered in red splotches, he felt prideful that he was the painter.

"How about we stop now?"

Dream asked, getting his answer when Sapnap flopped onto him, a dopey smile on his face. Dream smiled as he leaned onto the bed head and simply relaxed, this was nice.

Word Count: 1075

Did you guys like this chapter, it's new from what I usually write but do tell me if you liked it!

For those who write steamy/smutty stories regularly, give me some tips, I'd love to explore this kind of writing some more! ❤

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