If you cry, I'll cry(Tubboinnit) (Platonic)

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Made on: 5th of January 2021 
Published: 20th of January 2021

Sorry for not updating for a while, life was being a bitch and this is my coping method, I know it sounds weird 

'i write fanfictions as my coping method'

but. . . you're reading it soooooooooooo

Tommy had been dealing with some personal stuff for quite a while now, he never told anyone because, why would he? He was supposed to be a carefree, annoying, loud mouth child, that's all people want from him. People don't care about him, they care about what he can do, if he even dared to think about opening up to someone, they would throw him away, look at him in disgust. People don't want him.

But Tubbo isn't people, he is Tommy's friend, Tubbo cares, Tubbo saw behind the persona he puts on for the camera, the smile he glues onto his face, so why? Why was he hurting? Why couldn't he just ask for help? Tubbo would do it, why couldn't he? Why couldn't he just spit all of his feelings out instead of saying 'i'm fine'? He needs to let it out, he knows, but how?

Tommy had just been sat on the edge of a mountain, his eyes burning from all the crying he participated in. He was trying to squeeze the remaining tears out of his eyes, but it only burned more when he did that. He wiped his tears with his arm, a look of disgust on his face as his eyes travelled to his wrists.

"Tommy. . . ?"

Tommy froze as the familiar voice rang through his head, Tubbo, he had never prepared for being caught during this.

"Tommy. . . ? You ok . . . ?" Tubbo asked, slowly walking to Tommy as if he was a rabid animal. Tubbo placed his hand on Tommy's shoulder but it was as if Tommy was a statue. Tommy was frozen, if he pretended that he wasn't listening then he would go away, that worked in the past. Why wasn't it working now?!

Tubbo only gave a sympathetic smile as he crouched down to Tommy's side on the bench they considered an old friend. Tubbo wrapped his arms around Tommy, who still wasn't processing anything that happening.

' why is he doing this?'
' why does it feel good?!'
' what if this is all a prank?!"

What if's and why's were flowing through Tommy's head, Tubbo must've noticed this and placed a platonic kiss to the top of his head and carded his hand through his hair.

"Yes bubba?"
"Wh-y a-re yo-u doin-g th-is??"
"Because you are the most important person ever."
"And you're important to all of us, you make us all happy,"
"Y-ou mea-n i-t??"
"I mean it with all my heart."
"Can we stay like this for a while?"
"We can stay here until the end of time if that's makes you happy"

Word Count: 442

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