⛓Chapter 52:

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"Where on earth is Jungkook?" Jisoo asked after Taehyung told her he wasn't in his room. "Did any of you see him leave?"

"I think I did with his cap but I don't exactly know why. He didn't say a word or anything." Jennie answered.

"That disobedient.. When did he leave? He couldn't have gone far. You all know it's very dangerous to work alone in a time like this. He's putting himself in danger."

"I'm not sure but I think it's been thirty minutes or so. Are you going to look for him? Soo, it's almost sunset." Jennie warned after noticing the time.

"Exactly the reason why I should go after him. It's getting dark but he still had the guts to leave." Lisa suddenly came from the kitchen with her cup of hot chocolate with her.

"Who are you talking about? Who had the guts to leave?" They just sighed and looked at her. Knowing Lisa, she would freak out if anything happens to him. "Wait. Where's Jungkook?" She realized and looked around the room for him. That's when it hit her. "Oh please no."

She immediately placed her glass on the table and left the house. "Lalisa!" Jisoo shouted and went after her. "Yoongs, guard the house!" Jisoo ordered and chased Lisa who had just left with a taxi cab. "Why don't these kids just stay where they are?! Ugh!!" She shouted her frustrations and used Namjoon's car to leave.

Meanwhile, Lisa kept calling Jungkook's phone with a hope that he would pick up. "Come on.. Don't scare me like this.." Her hands were trembling. She called him several more times but he wasn't answering. "If I were him.. Where would I go?" She asked herself. "I mean, why would be dare to leave anyway?!"

"I'm sorry, miss. Can you please keep it low?" The driver said. Lisa cleared her throat and nodded. Not the time to make scandalous scenes. "Where are am I dropping you off?" He asked.

Lisa didn't know exactly where to find Jungkook. She left him a text but he hasn't even seen it yet. "Can you just keep driving until I figure it out? I'll pay extra fees if I have to."

She took her phone again and called him. After two rings, she was surprised when he answered. Before she could ask where he was, he decided to get ahead of her. "Can you come at Dawn High right now?"

"R-right now? You're there? What are you doing there?"

"Just come." What confused her more was the tone of his voice. It sounded sad and cold. The tone of voice Jungkook never let her hear until today.

"Okay. Wait for me-" He suddenly ended the call himself. "What is up with him?" She asked herself. "Can you drop me off at Dawn High? And please make it quick."

The driver stepped on the pedal and drove faster. When she arrived, she came in running and looking for him, hoping he's safe and unscratched.

"Jungkook?" She called. Her voice echoed around the empty court with the last rays of sunlight before night creeps in. "Kook, are you here?"

"I'm right here." He walked towards her with his hands in his pockets.

"Thank goodness, you're safe. I was worried. The others were as well. Let's go home. It's getting dark and dark is bad news. You better think of your alibis before we reach home. Jisoo was fuming earlier." She grabbed his hand but Jungkook forcefully pulled his hand away. "Kook?"

"Can you answer me honestly, Lis? Are you the one behind all this?" Lisa's eyes grew wide. "Just tell me honestly."

"Why would you think of something like that? Do I seem like the person who would take our friends for my own benefits? You know me better."

"I wasn't asking for an excuse. Answer me. Is it you or not?"


"Did you take our friends or not?!" Lisa jolted in suprise. Jungkook would never shout at her like how he just did. He's getting mad and she knows it but she doesn't know why.

"I'm not. I didn't." She gave him a simple answer just like he wanted but Jungkook didn't seem satisfied. "Why are you even suspecting me? I never did anything bad to the group. You know that."

"Do I? Then tell me this. What group were you joining back in highschool that made you so busy with all the practices? You never told me anything about this stuff."

"That was way back in highschool. It doesn't matter. Let's move on from that. It's definitely irrelevant to what we're facing. If you're suspecting me because of that matter, then let me clear this to you myself. I am not the killer. I'm not a lowly creature like that person."

"Then why don't you just tell me about that group you're part of? Since when did you keep secrets from me-- No. Actually.. What else are you keeping from me? What else do I not know about you?"

"It doesn't matter, okay? Whatever shitty secret I keep doesn't matter right now. As long as my feelings are sincere.. As long as I am not faking anything.. Isn't that enough for you?"

"So you really have other secrets you never intended to admit. Do we.. Do I really know you, Lis? Am I even sure that you're being real right now?"

"You're doubting me." A statement, as if she's sure of what she's saying. "Okay. I get it. You don't trust me enough."

"Because I thought we were true to each other. I thought I figured you out back then. I believed we were open to each other but this.. You can't even share your secrets with me."

"Do I have too?! It's my life and they're my secrets. Do I have to tell every single thing about me to you?! Is it a requirement for this relationship to be transparent to each other?! Guess what? I didn't sign up for this. If this is the whole point of this stupid relationship then we're over."

"Fine. If you think we can't work out then let's break up. All I was asking for was your honesty but you can't even give me that."

"And all I was asking for was your trust!" She sighed heavily and looked away. "Why did I even come here to find you?" Her feet did their work and took her out of the school.

Lisa felt pain in her chest and her eyes slowly got heavier with her tears rushing down. She fell to the ground, hugging her knees. There's that feeling of regret, if she would admit it. She wanted to go back and apologize for how she acted and the words she said but she also has pride. She was the one who told him to break up and it won't make sense if she'll also be the one to take it back. Besides, Jungkook probably doesn't want them back anyway. All she could do was return home with complicated feelings.

Yeee, i did say I was gonna update twice a day but unfortunately I keep getting distracted😆 I've been composing stuff here and there and watching movies and dramas, honestly..  And I am very sorry for that!🙏💕 I'll keep updating everyday though!!😅

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