⛓Chapter 20: S

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"Tell me exactly and honestly what happened here, Taehyung. These pictures tell almost everything. Everything to the point that I'm even suspecting you. You have to tell me the truth."

Jisoo tried to persuade him into telling her what happened-- why he was following her. "I know someone's gonna use this against me if they found out so I didn't dare to tell anyone. I didn't want to cause more misunderstandings."

"Well you're gonna make everyone suspect you if you don't speak up. You have to tell me about this. Why were you following her?"

Taehyung sighed and lowered his head. "I couldn't find Jennie anywhere that night. I got worried and mad. It just so happened that I ran into her while I was looking for Jennie. I only talked to her, that's it."

"What did you say to her?"

"I told her to never return from wherever she's going because if something bad happens to Jennie because of what she did, then heavens forgive me. Just those things and I left her alone. Believe me, Soo. I'm telling the truth."

"I don't know if I should believe you and I can't guarantee you that Jimin would believe this as well. The others are starting to suspect you too." She said in a worried tone. "I really hope you're telling me the truth, Tae."

"Jisoo, I am telling you the truth. I would never kill someone because of my anger or because of anything they did to me and to the people I care for. And Chae.. I have no reason to take her. Believe me."

"I'll side with you for now but I can't force the others to believe you." Jisoo sighed and combed her hair back. "This is crazy. I can't believe you had to be one of the suspects. What would Jennie say?"

Taehyung lifted his head and turned to her. He's scared of the fact that she could also be suspecting him. She's the one who understands him the most. Losing her trust worries him.

"I'll go talk to Jin and Joon about this matter. You may be my brother but I should still be fair. I'll leave you for a second." Jisoo left his room and went downstairs to find Jin and Namjoon.

"What did he say?" Jin asked when he saw Jisoo approaching them at the dining room.

"He said he only talked to her. He was worried and mad that night but he said he'd never do such thing as killing." She answered.

"You don't believe that, do you? Taehyung is capable of doing anything. That guy never fails to show a new side of him and this could be something new about him too." Namjoon said, hurting Jisoo a bit. He's still her brother after all.

"You mean killing? Joon, do you really think Taehyung could do such thing?"

"I never thought anyone within our group could do such thing but not anymore. We have evidences. It could really be Taehyung."

"But what if it's not? What if the real killer is having a great time, thinking he or she is safe because Taehyung is the one being suspected right now? We can't be too sure."

"Soo, I get it that he's your brother and you want to defend him but evidence can't lie. He could be making those up. You know how he is." Jisoo crossed her arms and breathed heavily.

"What do you suggest we do? I also heard you're putting Jennie and Lisa on searching duty today. Are you planning on spying on those two?"

"We're spying on everyone." Jin reminded. "Joon and I are doing this alternately. He's going today and I'll go tomorrow."

"How about me?" The two boys looked at each other. "Don't you trust me?"

"It's just.. It's going to be dangerous for you, Soo. We think it's better for you to stay here and look for other suspicious activities." Jin explained, making Jisoo feel small.

"I could do things like those too. I can help." Both of them shook their heads and left her standing there. "That's discrimination! Being a girl doesn't mean I can't handle dangerous stuff."

Jimin was standing outside their balcony while thinking about what he just discovered a few minutes ago. He couldn't help but feel betrayed when the one he trusted the most turns out to be the one he kept cursing every second.

Taehyung wanted to go to the balcony too but after seeing Jimin standing there, he decided not to go. He completely understands him and knows he should distance himself from him to avoid more conflicts.

He was going downstairs when he suddenly bumped into Jennie. "Taehyung." She called in a rather sad tone. He immediately knew the reason why and decided to ignore her. "I-I saw those pictures."

She said, causing him to stop. "Everyone probably saw them too. You're suspecting me too, aren't you? Just like everyone else?"

Jennie gulped and stood in front of him. "I mean, I saw those pictures before Jimin did. It was a couple of days ago when I got into your room and saw the red box."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

His question made her bite her lip and look away. "Well.. I just couldn't. Anyway, Lisa and I are leaving to continue searching for Chae. I wanted to let you know. We're dating afterall." She quietly said the last one and headed to the living room.

"I guess it feels nice to have someone who still cares about you, huh?" He turned around to see Jimin walking towards him. "Chae's not here because of you."

"Jimin, I'm not the one who took her. Those pictures don't tell the whole thing. Don't make instant conclusions just because of those several snaps."

"What do you want me to believe? Don't think of me as an idiot, Kim Taehyung. I never knew you could do something like this. You're a lot worse than I thought."

Taehyung was about to defend himself but Hoseok came and called them. "You're not about to start a fight, are you?" Jimin didn't say a word and left. Hoseok sighed then looked at Taehyung. "Tae, can I talk to you?"

"If you're gonna ask me about Chae's whereabouts, I have no idea. I'm not the one behind all this. Trust me." He said, hoping that Hoseok would believe him.

"I don't know if I should trust you right now but it's about something else. I also talked to Yoongi about this matter. He said I should tell you this too."

"What is it about?"

"Do you remember the guy who harassed Jen? That Dane Dylan Ji?"

I'll leave you guys with that for now😅 Hope you like this chap!! Btw, I'm working on other moments so I hope you look forward to them. They won't be too long but I'll do what I can💗

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