⛓Chapter 28: N

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Namjoon and Jin came to their outdoor garden, bringing with them the journal. "You said Jisoo caught you with this? What did she say?" Jin asked and sat down. He decided to leave Lisa with Jungkook for a while and get new clothes to wear before Lisa gets discharged two days from now.

"She got mad of course. But we need to think fast, faster than the killer so no one else gets taken. I hope the clues we have are enough but I know they can't guarantee us the exact person." He also sat down and opened the journal.

"We already know that this person's first victim was Ashley. The only clue we have is their reactions. Jennie, Taehyung, Lisa, Jimin, and Yoongi, excluding Chaeyoung, left that night. I think it's one of them." Jin took his pen and circled their names with red ink. "But we can't be sure."

"The next victim is the Bloom Bar girl. We were all searching that night, right?"

"But Joon, 'Bloom Bar' was killed before the search. One of us must've known about her and killed her before we started searching so she won't say anything. Who was not with us that day?"

"Well I heard from Jisoo that she, Jungkook, Lisa, Jennie, Taehyung, and Yoongi were at home, while Jimin and Chaeyoung went out, and the three of us, You, me and Hoseok were at the restaurant..but she didn't tell me if one of them left the house. We wouldn't know."

"Or.. He or she must've hired those guys to kill 'Bloom Bar' for him or her. Remember what happened to Tae? He or she has a lot of men. This person can be with us and at the same time, do his or her work secretly through those guys." Jin said, making Namjoon more confused. "I was never good at this, to be honest." Jin laughed and slapped Namjoon's arm. "Those thoughts just pop, pop, pop! 'cause this is serious."

"I've never done this before too but as the older ones, we just need to. Now the third victim is the 'Hans'. I'm sure I supervised Lisa and Jennie that day and they didn't do anything suspicious, but like you said, the killer has many guys so we can't trust those two also." Namjoon sighed and scratched the back of his head. "This is crazy. It's as if we have nothing that points to the killer."

"I actually thought of this at the hospital last night. Why would the killer try to frame someone, like what he or she did to Taehyung, through giving evidences, then take the one who saw the evidence after? Why is this person complicated?"

"I've been watching mystery and detective related movies and if I understood them clearly, the killer probably wants to put the blame on someone so he or she will look clean. He or she frames them and takes people who has seen the evidence to scare us so we won't keep looking for evidence that's pointing to him or her."

"Witty. But the fact that we don't even know if the killer is a he or a she! Ahhh! This is crazy!" Jin said, grabbing his hair. "How about the evidences we have?"

"The apron, the two handkerchiefs, the pictures.. That's all we have." Jin sighed at what Namjoon said. "And I think those things are fabricated by the real killer so we can't really rely on them."

"Joon! Jin!" Taehyung suddenly called and walked towards them. "Can I take Jennie out? Jisoo said I can't." He asked as if he's a child who hoped for his dad to agree with him because his mom didn't.

"Why do you want to leave? We need to be in one place as possible." Namjoon said, causing Taehyung's disappointed expression.

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