⛓Chapter I: F

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At exactly sunset...

"A body was found here in a town called Neon Street. She's the owner of Rain Castle, a famous club in the said street, Ashley Park, twenty years old. Until now, the police are still investigating about the case."

Eleven residents in their 20s came running after the news reached them. They gasped, seeing their dear friend's body swiming in her own blood.

"How did this happen? Wasn't she with us last night?" Chaeyoung asked and looked at the others. "Who would do this?" She looked at Ashley's body. Seems like she was angrily stabbed and her eyes were still open but her face is all ruined. "I can't look." Jisoo, the person beside her, patted her back with a sigh.

The building lights lit up and the whole atmosphere of Neon Street once again revealed itself. But the cheerful and magical street didn't look so alive, now that its most famous resident's murdered body is causing everything into becoming gloomy.

The crowd's number increased as the news keep spreading. "Joon.. Shouldn't we.." Hoseok started. "We're her friends and she doesn't have any family left. Don't you think we should take care of this?"

Namjoon nodded and squeezed his way through the large crowd. "Excuse me, officer?" The officer turned to his left and Namjoon greeted him. "I'm one of Ashley's friends. She's an orphan so she doesn't have a family to look after her."

"Is that so?" He accidentally saw the clothing inside the zip bag the officer was holding which he quickly hid. "In that case, we'll contact you if we find something. We found some evidences but we still have to confirm them if they're related to this case."

"Ah.. Thank you." Namjoon cleared his throat and looked at the clothing peeking from the officer's pocket once again. His heartbeat raced and gulped. "That's.."

"You were saying?" He quickly looked at him and shook his head. A glare from the officer made him leave immediately.

"Joon!" They called. "What did they say? Did they find anything?" Jennie asked with a worried look. "What's gonna happen now?"

"Let's talk at Jin's. I think I saw something disturbing." With their brows furrowed and scared faces, they left the scene and headed to Seokjin's restaurant.

When they were all seated, "What's with the heavy atmosphere?" Hoseok asked. "Joon, what did you see?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong but.. The apron we were all wearing that Lisa and Chaeyoung made, including Ash last night,"  They leaned closer to the table with their eyes fixed on Namjoon. "I think it was the same clothing found by the police as one of the evidences."

"And you're implying..?" Lisa and her attitude cut in and leaned back with her arms crossed.

"There's a possibility that.. That one of us did it." Their eyes grew bigger. Taehyung and Jimin shouted a 'what' and stood up with their fists on the table. "But it's just a hunch! Calm down. The police still needs to confirm if it's related to Ashley's case."

"If it turns out that it is.." All eyes were on Yoongi. "We're all suspects." His eyes shifted to Joon and raised a brow. "Right?"

"Guys.." Jisoo stood up and dragged Namjoon away from his seat. "Stop this rubbish. Tae and Jimin sit down, right now." The two guys obeyed and pulled their chairs to sit down. "If we think like this then we'll end up suspecting each other. We know nothing, okay?"

"But Soo-"

"Shut up Namjoon! We didn't want what happened to Ashley. Whoever is responsible for that will pay but I'm sure it's none of us. We've known each other for years so don't even think about accusing anyone here."

"She's right." Hoseok said and looked at Jisoo, then at the others. "Don't let this get into your dumb heads or else worse things will happen. The police will do their job investigating about this. Let's not make conclusions just because of the similar clothing Namjoon saw. It might only be something similar to our aprons. Let's trust each other."

First chapter!! I just got a tiny bit hesitant to continue to publish this book but after all the preparations, I can't turn back now😅

I really really hope you liked the first part! I'll keep doing what I can to make it better😊💕 Saranghaeee😘

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