⛓Chapter 36: I

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"What are we doing here?" Jennie asked and looked around.

Taehyung decided to visit the spot where he was spotted following Ashley that night again. He knew something was there and he just can't ignore his instincts. "I need to find that camera that captured me. There has to be something."

"Tae, Jisoo's gonna kill us if she finds out we left the house. She clearly told us to stay indoors. What would we say as an excuse?" They sneaked through the back door just to escape. Taehyung knew the consequences but he felt he had to.

"Don't worry. If anything bad happens, I'll protect you." He held her hand and walked closer to the building. "It's morning too. If the killer tries to do anything bad, he or she is planning a suicide with all these people around."

"I guess you're right. What are we looking for again? A camera of any sort?" Taehyung nodded before looking up with his hand blocking the bright sunlight. Jennie also did the same. "I don't know about that. The building looks old and abandoned."

"Exactly what I thought the first time I was here. But the killer would definitely use this spot for his or her works. Who would dare come close to a building like this?"

"What was it when was not abandoned? A restaurant? A store? Or a massage parlor?" Jennie asked, looking for a signage.

"I have no idea. If only we can go inside and climb to the rooftop." He went straight to the door and tried opening it. He pulled and pushed it a couple of times. "I think it's locked."

Jennie came to the windows and wiped it clean. "Ulch! Dust." She covered her nose and quickly looked away before sneezing. Taehyung turned his head to her direction and smiled.

"Cute." He quietly said and took his handkerchief from his pocket. "Here you go." Jennie took the handkerchief and sneezed on it with her back against him.

"I hate dust." She continued wiping the window while covering her mouth and tried to see what she can find inside. "Strange.. I can't see anything."

Taehyung furrowed his brows and stood beside her to look inside too. "Tinted windows?" He knocked a few times. "What was this place really?"

"I have no idea but it's creeping me out. The people are also leaving." Jennie said, looking around them. "Let's go back here next time. I think we should talk to Candy about your hunch. She's an expert with these things."

Taehyung backed away and sighed. "Okay." He pulled her to the car but before Jennie could get inside, she heard what she thought was a shout.

"What the- Tae, did you hear something?" She wide-eyed asked.

"Nothing. Why? Did you hear anything?" They looked around them again. "It's probably some drunk guy on the streets. Don't scare me like that. It's not funny, Jen."

"No, seriously.. I.." She looked around again. "Nevermind. I could be hallucinating." Both of them went insdide the car and drove back home.

Back in their house, Jisoo was inside her room, sitting on her bed with her laptop on her lap. "Bingo!" Jisoo exclaimed after seeing the article that kept her awake for hours. "Kidnapping cases eight years ago in Avien City." She clicked on that article and a list of names showing the victims flashed. "Twenty-three teenage girls were kidnapped on the second of October, 2012. A gang who calls themselves 'Golden Cage' is the main suspect of the said crime. Until now, the police are still investigating about the case." Jisoo read.

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