⛓Chapter 74: E

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"Why are you getting so mad? I thought we already made up?" Taehyung cluelessly asked. All those time, he thought things were solved between them because she was worried about him. But Jennie worrying never meant she already forgave him.

"I never said I forgave you. Don't be mistaken." Forgetting about the dishes, she went back to her room and locked herself in.

"What was that?" Jisoo asked after witnessing what happened. "Did I just see her getting mad at you? Jennie never got mad at you."

Taehyung kept silent. He ignored her and went to his room. That left Jisoo concerned. Something's definitely wrong. What in the world happened to them when I wasn't around? She asked herself.

"Soo!" Namjoon called and gestured her to come. "Yoongi's dad sent him a text. Turns out the city police were under Ashley's control.. Why didn't I think of that?"

"That explains why they won't help us. How about Ashley? What happened to her?"

"Fortunately for her, she's slive and was taken to a mental hospital. She's got mental issues so they can't just put her in jail. She might cause problems with her inmates and no one wants that. But she's stuck in that place forever so she can't victimize anyone else." Yoongi said and continued reading his father's update. "She's charged of murder, kidnapping, assault, and forgery. This girl's not seeing heaven."

"She deserved that. If you were to ask me, she deserved more than that. She need to pay for her mistakes but because she's mentally unstable, she gets to pay for her wrongdoings by getting constant treatment."

"Unfortunately. But at least, they got her and she won't be able to ruin anyone else's life." Namjoon said and the two agreed.

"By the way, Yoongs. Do you know why Jennie's upset with my brother? I just saw them arguing at the kitchen earlier."

"That's surprising." Namjoon said. "It's as close as a miracle if those two fight. They have no reason to be mad at each other. Right?"

Yoongi just looked at the puzzled two and shook his head. He might not know about the things Taehyung said to his sister but seeing Jennie's expression earlier, he knew Taehyung had upset her-- but he has no idea it was too, very drastic.

Night time came but both Jennie and Taehyung are still locked inside their rooms. "I never imagined them like this." Chaeyoung said while looking upstairs. "Who knew, right?"

"I don't know what their problem is but for sure, it's something serious and very personal." Lisa said. "Neither of them are that sensitive as far as I know."

"Let's give them space for a bit. If they still don't make up by tonight, I'll be the one to counsel them." As the one in charge of their emotional problems, Jisoo thought knowing about their problem and giving them advices is the best option. Those two can ruin the atmosphere of their circle if they don't make up.

It was almost twelve and Jennie and Taehyung are still inside their rooms. The older ones who are waiting at the living room started to worry. "Should we give them more time?" Namjoon asked.

"It's getting late, Soo. The kids would know what's best for them. They'll come down and eat when they're hungry." Seokjin said and stood up. "Come on."

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