⛓Chapter 15:

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"It was around six in the evening at the parking lot then she went outside." Jimin said to the police incharge of the CCTV cameras in Lighthouse.

He skipped to the clip at 6 PM and there they saw Chaeyoung leaving with her phone on her ear. He shifted to the cameras outside the parking lot. "Who was she talking to?" Taehyung asked.

"No idea." They waited for a few more minutes then they saw a van stopping at the other side of the road and masked men came to her. "Shit. Who are these people?!" They covered her mouth and took her inside.

"Zoom in to the vehicle's plate number." The security followed Taehyung's order but the van didn't have a plate number on it. "Who lets these vehicles roam around without a plate number?"

"Can you check where they went next?" Jimin asked and the security shifted to the cameras around the place but they couldn't see where they headed next after leaving the area around Lighthouse. "We have to talk to other places." Taehyung nodded and left with him.

"What did you see?" Jin asked and the others came to them.

"Some idiots with a black van took her to who knows where." Jimin answered in a hurry and left the club.

"Chae.." Lisa whispered to herself. "We have to keep looking. We can't just wait here and let the boys do the work." She also left and pulled Jungkook with her.

"She's right. Jimin and I will look for other footages from other buildings. You guys ask other stores if they see anything." Taehyung said and left.

They went in pairs, Yoongi with Jennie, Namjoon with Jin, Lisa and Jungkook, Jisoo and Hoseok, and Taehyung and Jimin. It took them hours looking for witnesses until it's past midnight and all stores were closing.

"Chae.." Jimin worriedly said and brushed his hair back. "Why would they take her?!"

"Jimin." Taehyung went to him and held both of his shoulders. "Get yourself together. We won't stop looking for her. We'll find her, okay?"

"Jimin!" Hoseok called and ran towards them. "I asked the girls to go home. It's dangerous for them to stay here at night. Did you try calling her again?"

"I've been calling her but it's still off."

"Okay. We shouldn't panic, especially you Jimin. Jin and Joon are gonna ask the 24-hour open stores and check their cameras. I'm going with Jungkook and Yoongi and we'll keep looking for witnesses. You and Taehyung will watch the streets. That van may pass by again. If you find anything suspicious, call us."

They nodded and went on separate ways. Taehyung saw Jimin's trembling lips. The guy looked too scared and nervous. "Jimin calm down. We'll find her. Everyone's doing their best."

"But what if they kept her somewhere and did terrible things to her?! I can't let them hurt her, Tae. I shouldn't have taken her with me if only I knew this was gonna happen." Jimin was starting to tear up. "It's my fault."

"Don't think of something like that. It wasn't your fault. Those people took her and you had nothing to do with it. We don't know why they did it but it's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself and start looking for traces. Crying and losing your shit won't make us find her."

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