⛓Chapter 47: S

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"Prim Bridge." Namjoon muttered, looking at the old looking bridge with buildings underneath it. "One of these buildings could be their hideout. Keep your eyes and ears open."

"I don't know, Joon. I'm starting to regret this." Jin hesitated.

"What do you mean? We already planned this out. We know what could happen and we agreed to sacrifice ourselves for this." Namjoon said. "Alright. If you think you couldn't, I'll drive you back home."

"No, I just.. I'm worried about those we left behind. Can Jisoo really handle this herself? Let's say Yoongi could accompany her but can they figure this out themselves?"

"Let's give her a chance, Jin. Let's trust her on this and let's do what we came here to do. There's no turning back. There could be hundreds of goons out there but our only goal is to find where the killer kept our friends. Focus on that."

"I'll keep the recorder on." Jin said, pertaining to his phone and started the recording. "Like we talked about. If things get difficult, I'll stop the recording and send this to them as evidence. I just hope this won't fall to nothing."

"It won't." Namjoon took out the gun he reloaded days ago for defense. "We're actually doing this.." He said under his breath and sighed. "Until the end?" He raised his fist and waited for Jin to bump it with his.

"'Til the end." Jin said and bumped Joon's fist. "Let's go." They left the car and quietly sneeked into the deserted place.

"Are these all abandoned buildings?" Namjoon quietly asked. "Is it just me or does it seem like an old-fashioned Neon Street?"

"Whatever this place is, it's creeping me out." Jin looked up to read the visible signs on the buildings. "'Willow House'?" Jin read. "'Haven Delight'? Maybe you're right. It looks like an older version of Neon Street. These are restaurants and bars."

"But what happened? Golden Cage must've stayed here because no one comes here anymore." They suddenly heard a loud closing of door echoing all over the place. Namjoon quickly pulled Jin behind a wooden bench and hid. "What was that?"

"The goons.." Jin quietly answered, looking at several guys leaving a building. He took out his phone to make sure it's still recording.

"I think we should go in and see what's in there. Prepare yourself." They waited until the goons were out of sight before running across the street to reach the suspected building. "Stay behind me." Namjoon commanded and peeked through the door. Four guards were guarding the place and he couldn't be more relieved to find Hoseok inside. "Listen, we found Hoseok inside a dark blue building here in Prim Bridge. If the recording reaches you, take note of this."

"What do we do? Should we shoot those people?" Jin asked. "It's against my vows to harm anyone."

"We're not harming anyone. We only came here to find who we can find and head back safely if we could. We found Hobi. All we need to find is Jimin and Chae." The both of them sneaked away again and hid behind buildings. "Where would they take the both of them?"

"Look what we have here." A husky voice behind them said. Namjoon and Jin turned around in shock. There were a group of eight goons standing in front of them. "Get them." The guy instructed and Jin and Namjoon immediately ran from that place.

"Go on!! Send it to them now!!" Namjoon shouted.

Jin nervously stopped the recording and sent it to Jisoo's email successfully. "Accomplished.." He said out of relief.

"Good work. Now all we have to do is return to the car-" They suddenly stopped after seeing more goons approaching coming from the road. "Shit! Shit!! Turn around!" Both of them turned around only to find out that they're cornered. "Jisoo's our only hope. We're doomed."

"Where are they? It's almost midnight!" After receiving the recording Jin sent her, Jisoo started to feel restless. "This is what I've been afraid of. This.."

"No one touched their phones right, except when Jin emailed Jisoo? No one left and no one contacted anyone?" Yoongi assured.

"We literally skipped two meals, Yoongs. None of us left their seats." Taehyung replied. "Try calling them again. They were chased. They could've escaped too."

"I've been calling them for hours. They're not answering." Jisoo took her phone again and listened to the recording.

'Listen, we found Hoseok inside a dark blue building here in Prim Bridge. If the recording reaches you, take note of this.' The next thing they heard was the part where they were caught snooping and chased by the goons.

"They found him but we can't leave the house. What should we do?" Jungkook asked.

"They can't be gone. They just can't be taken. How are we gonna get through this shit like this?!" Jisoo combed her hair back and started to tear up again. "Thoughtless bastards.."

Hours passed and the others were already asleep on the couches. Jennie and Taehyung are together, same as Lisa and Jungkook. Yoongi and Jisoo were the only ones left awake. "It's already two in the morning. I have a bad feeling about this." Yoongi said to her.

"There is no way this is happening. What are we gonna do without those two around? They know this case the best. They can't be taken, Yoongs."

"Think of the actual possibilities. Don't be blinded by your hopes and let's be real. If Namjoon and Jin are really taken then we should continue what they've started. Now's not the time to fail this circle. The innocent ones need our help."

"Bullshit." She hugged her knees and cried. "Fucking bullshit."

"Snap out of it, Kim Jisoo. The lesser we get, the closer we are to catching the killer. Things don't end here yet."

I'm quite in a good mood today😄 If you guys watched the recent Run BTS episode..the Replay BTS Village was it? I'm proud of myself for knowing the spies were Namjoon and Taehyung since last week!!😆 AAAJKKSKAK. I really enjoy things like this.. Mystery and spy stuff 'cause I love guessing who's the culprit or something like that😅💖

And here's the clue I mentioned that I would put in this chapter: Every single detail matters. Every word I put out matters. What seems to be ordinary and less suspicious is the one you should think about the most😉

Weeelp. I suspected Namjoon because of his description as "Actor" and I suspected V because he keeps working alone in both episodes so ye, that's how I caught them😆 You could try this advice to find the killer too😏

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