⛓Chapter 76: End

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You did it, didn't you?" Taehyung asked the moment Jisoo arrived. He entered her room and continued. "You convinced the others to put on a show so I'll be alone with her? I can handle this myself. You don't have to step in!"

"I was only trying to help you. I know how you want the both of you to be on good terms again but you just gave up and did nothing after a week. I had to do something!"

"And you ended up making everything worse! She thinks I'm the one behind what happened and she's mad at me. Do you think I want her getting hurt like that? I won't go that far for her forgiveness! How could you be so thoughtless?"

"Tae, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't know she'll think that way."

"Then just mind your own business and let me deal with mine! I've done so much to her already. I can't afford to disappoint her once more. Just stay out of it. I know what I'm doing."

With his anger rushing in, he left her room and slammed the door shut. Jisoo weakly fell on her bed. She was having trouble breathing after what her brother said. I was trying to help him but ended up making things worse between them. She thought while clutching on her shirt.

At that moment, she was starting to doubt if she's a good sister or not. What she thought would help him ended up backfiring. Now it felt as if she's the one responsible for her brother's current misery.

That night,

"You're drinking?" Jin asked the moment he saw her at the kitchen with a bottle of wine. "Soo, if it's about what happened, I'm the one who needs to be blamed. I gave you that idea."

"But even if it's a ridiculous and immature idea, I agreed to do it. It's still my fault. This wouldn't have happened if I turned down your idea. Don't blame yourself." Jisoo said before drinking another glass.

"You know that's not gonna solve anything, right? You're just wasting your time. Go and rest for now and talk to Taehyung tomorrow." He tried to take away the glass but she immediately turned away. "Jisoo."

"Don't tell me what to do." She drank that glass and looked at the bottle of wine.

"Don't even think about it Kim Jisoo." He wanted to take the bottle but before he could, Jisoo already did and chugged the whole thing down. "What are you doing?! You have low alcohol tolerance!" He immediately took it away from her but she suddenly passed out. Good thing he was there and he was able to catch her. "Hey, hey.. This is what I was talking about. Tsk."

He shook her to wake her up but since she's too wasted, nothing can be done. Jin had no choice but to carry her on his back and take her to her room. It's already past midnight and everybody's probably asleep.

"You'll be fine. Everything's gonna be alright. I just know it. So don't be hard on yourself. You're not the only one at fault." He pulled her blanket up and left her room.

He was about to go to his when he found Jennie's room upstairs open. He looked at the kitchen and found her there opening the fridge.

"Seems like something's bugging her too.." He told himself and went to her. "Oy, Min Jennie. Why are you still awake? You should go upstairs."

"I can't sleep. I'm having these crazy thoughts and I thought I should just stay up and keep thinking about them." She said while making her coffee.

"Why don't you consult Yoongi? He's good at giving advices." Jennie quietly laughed and shook her head.

"I wanted to earlier but unfortunately a private 'business' is keeping him busy. I don't know what that guy is up to but I think I saw a dating app in his phone. Probably looking for a wife already. I don't even wanna know. I already have a lot on my plate."

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