⛓Chapter 27: O

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"When can you go home? It's getting dangerous. We should be in one place all the time in this situation." Jisoo worriedly asked.

"The doctor said I could go home two days from now. I just have to make sure the wound heals up." Lisa answered. "And don't worry about me. Jin and Kook and are here to keep me company."

"Okay." Jisoo sat beside Jin who was eating his bag of chips while watching a drama in the TV. "Can you stop eating? Do you even know how serious the situation we have right now?" Jin stopped eating and handed her his food. "What's this?"

"You're hungry AND jealous that I have food to eat. Go on." Jisoo scoffed. Jin was right. They've been together for years that he already know what she really is thinking about. She took the chips and watched the drama with him.

"Yoongi." Jennie called and sat beside him. "Are you okay? You're silent." Yoongi quietly chuckled and faced her.

"Since when was I not? I'm just thinking of the possible things I could do to defend myself if the killer is really after me. Should I just go to another country? Should I visit mom and dad abroad?"

"But you said you couldn't leave me even if I ask you to. I won't stop you from leaving if you think it's for the best. I don't want to lose you as much as you don't want to lose me. Let's be honest, Yoongs. You're actually the only parent I have." Jennie said it so emotionally making him laugh. "I'm serious!"

"You've never been so emotional. What did France do to you? You're no longer full of your attitude since you came back." Jennie sighed and looked down. "Was it because of your treatment?" She quickly lifted her head.

"Let's not talk about that here." She opened her arms and hugged him. "Promise me that you won't let anyone take you, whatever happens."

"I can't guarantee you that but I'll try." He said and patted her back. "I'm curious of something actually." Jennie backed away with her brows furrowed. "You and Taehyung are dating, aren't you?"

Jennie widened her eyes and looked away. How did he know?! She thought. She tried to hide it from him because of the fear that he might be against it but there he is, wanting to confirm his suspicions.

"What are you talking about? No.." She looked at Taehyung was was talking to Jungkook in the corner of the room. "We're not."

"You can't hide that from me, Jen. You're really dating him, aren't you? I'm not gonna be mad about it. But as your brother, I should know about this at least." She cleared her throat and pinned her eyes at Taehyung to get his attention.

Taehyung felt weird and looked at the two's direction. Looking at Jennie's eyes immediately made him realize what was happening. He excused himself from Jungkook and joined the siblings. "Yoongs."

"How did you make her agree to this? I know you Kim Taehyung. You don't take any girl seriously."

What Yoongi asked made him feel scared. The fact that he asked Jennie out and had sex with her afterwards put him on hot seat. "I-I promised her things."

"I know very well that you don't keep your promises. Do you plan to sway her with your sweet words and throw her away after?" Yoongi attacked.

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