⛓Chapter 21: U

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"I was on my social media account, posting information about Chaeyoung the other night. I still have to keep looking even if I'm at home. While I was scrolling through posts with the hashtag 'missing', I came across something." Hoseok clicked on one article.

Taehyung moved closer to the computer screen and read the article. "Nineteen year old girl who was abducted two years ago opens up about her story. A man named Dane Dylan Ji who was her highschool classmate kept her locked up in an old house and did 'horrible things' to her, according to the victim."

"Apparently that guy is not in a good mental state. He's psychotic. He's mental. I believe what he did to Jennie last time could end up like this if you weren't there with her."

"What did Yoongi say about this?"

"He only told me to tell you. I also think Dane Dylan's planning on doing something like this again. I found his instagram account and look." He typed the guy's username and pictures of chains, handcuffs and a box of condoms took over the first row. "And I think he's targeting Jennie this time."

Taehyung took a step back, realizing where Jennie is heading right now. "She said she's on searching duty with Lisa.. I have to go." He rushed to the door and left Hoseok's room.

"Hoseok!" Jisoo suddenly came in, banging his door open. "Where the heck is Taehyung going? He just ignored me and left the house in a hurry. Didn't Joon and Jin ask us to keep an eye on everyone and don't let them leave the house? I just saw him leave your room and you didn't even stop the kid."

"Stopping him from leaving would only cause us more damage. I don't want to see another member getting taken, Soo."

Jisoo looked at the thing flashed on the screen. "What the fuck is that? Are those...handcuffs?!" She quickly faced him after reading his name. "Dane Dylan, that pervert?"

"He's after Jennie right now and if Taehyung doesn't hurry, we will lose her too. He has a record of raping a teenager and he's also a teen back then. What more as an adult? We still haven't found Chae and Jennie's in danger. I know he's suspicious but I can't risk another member going missing."

"Right. I get you. There's no one else capable of saving her than Tae. But Seok.. Namjoon and Jin are gonna kill us if they find out." Hoseok looked at her. His eyes were in full size, clearly scared out of his wits. "Whatever. That's your problem to deal with." She left his room, leaving him frozen.

"Our posters are everywhere. Someone should've seen something by now. Is the hundred thousand reward still not enough?" Lisa complained. She saw a good spot to rest and dragged Jennie with her. They sat under a waiting shed with a nice roof to cover them.

They've been searching for over an hour now but despite the burning heat, they didn't dare to take a rest, only until right now. "Lis.." Jennie started. "Do you think Taehyung really killed Ashley?"

Lisa stopped fanning herself and faced her. "Don't you? Jen, it's obvious. Why would he be following her in that empty place? Don't tell me you're siding with him?"

"I'm not siding with him, I just think it's impossible. I've known him the longest and that guy isn't that brutal. I really don't think it's him."

"Not convinced. I'm not trusting anyone unless we find Chae. Let's get back to work." Lisa coldly said before standing up and continued handing out the missing papers. Jennie just sighed and did the same.

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