⛓Chapter 48:

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They clearly knew what happened to Jin and Namjoon the next day after knowing they're not back. Jisoo was the most affected one because she knew those two the longest.

She went inside Namjoon's room. "How inconsiderate of you to leave us like this. What do you want us to do now?"

She turned to his desk and found the journal he always brought with him. Jisoo couldn't even bare to look at it.

"They're gone because of you. They risked their lives just to get answers. Why is this happening to us? Everything was perfect years ago but now.." She looked up to stop her tears. She's been worriedly crying the whole day, realizing that Jin and Namjoon are taken. "We're ruined. We're fucking ruined."

She came close to the desk and took the journal. Like Yoongi said, it's not the end yet. They still have time to stop these things from happening.

The moment Jisoo opened the journal, a blue sticky note caught her attention. "'To Jisoo'?" She read. She sat on a chair and read it. "I know I've been tough on you about this case. I just didn't want you getting hurt. It's not that I'm doubting you, Soo. You have potential and I see it. That's why I'm putting the responsibility of catching the killer to you. I trust you. There's a separate journal I kept inside my closet. It's where all my personal and private suspicions are recorded. This could be my last day alive so I'm entrusting this to you. Good luck and be careful."

"To me? Am I capable of this?" She stood up and opened his closet. A black journal is found inside. She hesitated to take it. She's a bit scared but she have to do the job for the younger ones.

She took the journal and read what were written on the pages.

"Jennie's actions. She said she hit Dane Dylan with a tube to escape with Lisa. This could be the same scenario that night Ashley was killed. It could happen by accident. If Ashley tried hurting her, it could be Jennie's immediate action to defend herself and killed her by accident." She wide-eyed read. "Holy shit, Kim Namjoon. How did you think of this?"

She turned to other pages and read other writings she thought would be important. Some were crossed out already, probably because his speculations were wrong.

"Lisa seems suspicious to me for no sensible reason. I'm visiting her current school to get information about her and the organizations she belongs too. I have a feeling she's part of Golden Cage." Jisoo furrowed her brows. "Lisa? But if she is, why would she do such things? To Chae?"

The weight of the papers caused the pages to fall to the opposite side, revealing another note on the last page of the journal.

"There's another one?" She flattened the paper and read. "You're reading this note because you're curious about what's inside this journal, right? I'm not sure and confident about them but I hope they can help. And Soo, you must've forgotten about this already but I will always be grateful for what you did for me back in highschool. Keep that strong aura and solve this mystery." Jisoo stopped and thought about it. "Back in highschool?"

"Oy! Kim Namjoon!!" A group of boys in the court called and approached the silent looking guy sitting on the bleachers.

The guy looked at them and closed his book. "May I help you?" The boys only laughed at him and suddenly grabbed his collar.

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