⛓Chapter 33: E

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Taehyung knocked thrice on Lisa's door and waited for her response. He expected that she would be the one to open the door but it wasn't. Seeing Jungkook open the door convinced him that they did something again. "Why am I not surprised?" He said to tease the younger guy.

"She asked for it." Jungkook answered with a shy smile. "She's still sleeping. Do you need anything?"

"Actually.. I think I need your help with something." Jungkook furrowed his brows but before he could ask why, Taehyung pulled him to the living room.

"Don't keep me wondering, what is this about?"

"We need to convince Lisa to agree on asking for Candy's help." Jungkook's ears rang. He didn't like to hear that name.

"We can't. She's very sensitive about that topic, you know that. Did Jisoo even agree to this? She knows better than anyone else what Lisa went through."

"Jisoo hates the idea either but don't you want to find Jimin and Chaeyoung? She's our only hope, Kook."

"I want to find Chae and Jimin too but I can't risk Lisa's feelings. Candy's not the only help we got. There could be other ways to deal with this, not just her."

"What about that woman?" Lisa suddenly went out of her room and walked towards them. "Why are you talking about Candy?"

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other. "We.. We were just thinking of the possibility of Candy helping us in our situation." Taehyung nervously answered. He had no idea this is how he would reveal the idea to her.

"How can she help us when she's a self centered bitch who only thought of saving herself when both of us were suffering? Even if I begged her not to leave me many times, she still left me in that orphanage." Her tears started falling, remembering what she went through.

"But Lis, she wants to help us. She's willing to." Taehyung tried to convince her. "If you really want Chae and Jimin back, you would agree to this."

"That woman can't guarantee us that, Kim Taehyung. Tell you what. I bet she's only doing that to ease her fucking conscience for leaving me that day. I know Candy. She's a two-faced, selfish and ignorant person."

"What if she's sincere this time? I willing to do anything to find our friends. Put your anger aside for a moment and think about them too. This is not the time to let your pride get the best of you. Think about Chae and Jimin.. Who knows if they're in the right condition right now? I don't want to be too late in saving them. If you care about them, you wouldn't be so stubborn."

Lisa looked away and wiped her tears. She knew saving her friends is the most important thing right now but she doesn't know if she can face her sister again. After all she did.. "Fine. Do it your way. But tell her not to expect a bit of empathy from me. I can't forgive her."

She went back inside her room, locking herself in. "This better be worth it, Tae. I don't want to see her disappointed." Jungkook patted his shoulder and went on his way.

Taehyung sighed in relief and went to their garden outside. "Tae!" Jisoo called and ran to him. "How did it go? Don't tell me she cried her eyes out or you're getting shit."

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