⛓Chapter 17: H

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After their discussion, awkward silence filled their house. Namjoon and Jin are eating at the dining room, Lisa and Jungkook are upstairs, Jisoo is with Yoongi and Taehyung, Hoseok is with Jimin at their balcony and Jennie was in her room, thinking of what she should do.

"Why did he keep those pictures? And why didn't he say a word about it to us?" She kept walking back and forth. "Ugh.. What am I supposed to do?" She sat on her bed. "What if Taehyung would get mad at me?"

"Why would I get mad at you?" Taehyung suddenly entered the room with a glass of milk on hand. He sat beside her and smiled. "Here."

"O-oh." She received it and muttered a 'Thanks'.

"I figured you might be hungry so I made you something. Why are you here? Looks like you're in deep thought of something." She nervously laughed and drank. "You know you could tell me anything. We promised not to keep any secrets from each other."

If you really keep that promise, why didn't you tell me about the photos? She thought, looking at him. "Nothing. I'm just worried about Chae."

"We're doing everything we can. I'm sure we'll find her." Taehyung said and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry."

"I hope so." A question suddenly popped in her head. "Tae. If what Namjoon and Lisa predicted is true.. And if one of us is behind everything.. Who do you think would do this?"

"You're not convinced, are you? I'm sure no one in our group would do such thing. We know each other too well. No one would go too far by killing and kidnapping. I don't want to suspect anyone."

Seems like she was halfly convinced with his answer. And Taehyung's right. They could do many things but killing and kidnapping is too much.

"You really feel comfortable sharing your emotional side to me, Jennie." He teased and pinched her cheek. "I'm always here to listen, okay?"

"Tsk. You have always been beside me, listening to my rants and heartbroken stories. Surprising how you lasted years with my attitude." He chuckled and slowly caressed her arm.

"I'm never getting tired of you." In just seconds, he quickly pecked on her lips and stood up with a smile to leave her room.

Jennie was left astounded. "He didn't have to do that." She looked at the glass of milk he brought her. "Taehyung couldn't do such thing. He's not nice but he's completely sane. Whoever that psycho is, it's not him."

The next day, Namjoon and Jin went out to continue searching for Chaeyoung. They decided to do it by pairs to prevent any unwanted and suspicious incidents.

"So we're just gonna wait here all day?" Jimin asked, crossing his arms. "She's been missing for days. We should be doing everything we can now. Who knows what happened to her."

"Jimin, will you calm down?" Lisa said. "Joon specifically told us to stay home so if any of us are really involved with this case, we could at least stop that person from plotting more things. We're watching each other."

"I can't believe this." He impatiently kept tapping his foot, looking at the others in the living room. "Whoever you are, I will catch you. Being my friend doesn't mean I'll let it slide."

"Oh, for goodness's sake, Park Jimin." Jisoo exclaimed, bringing a tray of cookies on the table. "We're still not sure about that theory. Don't be an ass."

"Then what should I do? I never expected any of us to betray each other like this. Taking Chae? Is that person that bad? She never did anything bad to any of us. Only a crazy person would do this to her." He left the living room and went to his room upstairs.

Jisoo sat beside Yoongi and sighed. "Why did we end up like this?"

"Can we see that apron Namjoon saw that day? It should be with the police." Jisoo looked at him, confused of what he's saying. "He only saw a glimpse of it. If we can prove that the apron was what Chaeyoung gave us then it's confirmed that one of us is behind all this."

"You have a point. Tae," She called and looked at her brother who is putting syrup on his pancake in the kitchen. "We'll borrow your car for a second. We'll be back immediately. Yoongi just came up with something amazing." Taehyung nodded and threw her the keys. "Let's go."

Yoongi and Jisoo left and went to station to see the apron Namjoon was talking about.

"What do you mean we can't? We're..I mean were..her friends. We just wanted to see the clothing."

"I'm really sorry but the evidences found in Ms. Park's case are confidential. We can't just give them out just because you were friends. We have rules here." The young police explained.

"But we need to see it. This is an important matter. Officer, please. A minute or half would be enough." He cleared his throat and stood up from his swivel chair.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help you. The officer incharge prohibited us from giving anyone that information. I could get introuble and lose my job. I'm just new here. Excuse me-"

"We might know the owner of that clothing and help find Ashley's killer." Yoongi suddenly spoke. Jisoo quickly turned to him.

"What are you doing? They might take one of us in jail." She quietly scolded.

"Isn't that what's supposed to happen? That person comitted at crime and it's only fair to give him or her the proper consequences." He turned to the officer again. "We can help you if only you show us that clothing. If you find out the real killer, you could be promoted."

"But my boss-"

"Wouldn't know a thing. After we see the clothing, act as if nothing happened." The young police gulped and looked away. "You're gonna help us or what?"

It took him seconds before answering. "Yes, yes.. Okay. Wait here." He went inside the room at the back.

Jisoo looked at Yoongi with a 'wow' expression. "You should talk much. You could actually be very useful, Yoongs."

"I'm just helping everyone out. And we have to find Chaeyoung or we're all gonna lose our shits."

The young police came back, bringing a ziplock with a clothing inside. "Wear the gloves. We still need to examine this evidence." Jisoo and Yoongi obeyed and opened the bag.

With her trembling hands, Jisoo slowly took out the silver clothing and unfolded it with the thought, Please don't be one of our aprons, in her head on repeat.

She held onto the top of it and let the rest fall. A gasp escaped her mouth as she see the whole thing. "Y-yoongi.. It's not what I think it is..right?"

He shook his head and sighed. "We should go back. We have no idea what the others are up to. This thing changes everything."

I updated!!😄🎉 No big deal. I'm just happy I didn't miss a day this time😿💕 I'm trying to take it slow as I can so there won't be any confusions😅 I hope it's okieee💖

Please vote for bts and blackpink in MAMA👍

😵Now back to mi module😖

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