⛓Chapter 39: P

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"Where have you been?" Lisa approached Jennie after seeing her at the kitchen, getting a box of milk from the refrigerator. "Kook said he saw you and Tae leave."

She wide-eyed faced Lisa with the straw in her mouth. "Lis, don't tell the others. Tae's suspecting a place in Neon Street and we had to go. Bitch, you won't waste our years of friendship over this, right?"

"No, silly. Jungkook and I are working on something as well. I'm not gonna sell you guys out. I know you're only doing this to find our friends." Lisa pulled a chair out and sat. "Jen, do you suspect anyone?"

"Harsh truth, I'm gonna have to suspect everyone. With 'suspect' I mean, be careful when I'm around anyone. So, I pretty much suspect you too."

Lisa chuckled and slowly shook her head. "Can't agree more. Honestly, I just want to think that none of us did this and someone only set us up. Do you think if we thought that way, the killer would stop?"

Jennie suddenly furrowed her brows at what Lisa said. "Maybe.." A series of thoughts occupied her mind for a moment.

"Lis!" Jungkook shouted, getting their attention. "I got a message."

"From who?" Taehyung went downstairs and walked towards Jungkook after hearing what he said.

"I don't know. Someone just sent me." Taehyung read the text then looked at him.

"Must be from that person. Are you coming?"

"Hesitating." Jungkook worriedly said.

The two girls looked at each other in confusion. "Um, guys, we're here too." Lisa said, looking at them. "Would you mind sharing the tea to us?"

"The both of you will stay out of this." Jungkook turned off his phone. "It's risky but I'll go."

"Alright. I'm coming with you. I think we should stop at Lighthouse first and get something to defend us with." Jungkook nodded and they left through the back door. Taehyung suddenly went back and pulled Jennie for a hug. "It won't take long." He left her a quick peck on the lips and smiled.

"You're not going anywhere. Tae, I have a bad feeling about this." Jennie tried persuading him but he only hugged her tight.

"I'll be fine. If anything bad happens, trust me that I'll be okay." He whispered.

Jungkook peeked behind the divider. "I should do it too." He ran to embrace Lisa. "We'll be back before you know it."

"Tell me where you're going. You can't leave the house because of some text. Jisoo warned us about the evidences from the killer." Lisa worriedly said with the hope that he would listen to her.

"They're dangerous but it's the only way to get a bit closer tho who's behind this. Don't tell anyone we left or they'll panic again. They have more important things to take care of. Tae and I will handle this. I'll call you when we get there." Unlike what Taehyung did, Jungkook passionately kissed Lisa's lips with his hand on her nape. "We'll get going."

The two boys left the house, leaving Jennie and Lisa with mixed emotions. "We have to tell Jisoo. This doesn't feel right." With the fear of losing their boyfriends, Jennie and Lisa immediately went to the garden to talk to Jisoo about it.

"Where is he?" Jisoo asked the moment they arrived at the hospital. Jennie, Lisa, Jin and Candy also came with her.

"We just arrived too. They took him in fifteen minutes ago." Namjoon said and looked at the emergency room.

"Tell me exactly what happened. Why is my brother inside the goddamn emergency room right now?!" Jisoo blew up and got other people's attention.

Lisa immediately came to calm her down. "Sit here for a while, Soo. You'll faint if you won't calm yourself."

Jisoo started crying while holding onto Lisa's hand. Namjoon stopped walking back and forth and sat beside her to tell everything that happened.

"Jen?" Yoongi called and stood beside his sister. "You're not crying, are you?"

Jennie who was stopping her tears the whole time shook her head. "He told me he'll be fine. He wanted me to trust him and that's what I'll do...but I don't know how long I could hold it in."

Yoongi placed his arm around her shoulder and let her head lie on him. He knew how scared and worried Jennie could be right now and knowing his sister, she would burst into tears any second. "He told you to trust him? He'll be okay, then." He said to make her feel a bit better.

The strong ones watched through the transparent glass. They forced themselves to believe he'd be safe but when they suddenly saw how the line turned flat, all their hopes shattered. "Tae? Taehyung!!" Jennie cried and that's when her tears started to fall. "Taehyung wake up!! Tae!" Yoongi quickly held onto her to stop her from falling down. "Kim Taehyung!!" She screamed with her tears rushing down.

Jisoo immediately stood up and ran towards Jennie, taking her from Yoongi. "Jen, pull yourself together!!" She hugged her tight and patted her back. "Come on, Tae. Don't let go.."

"He can't die like this.. I need him. I don't want him gone.. Soo.."

Jisoo tried all she can to calm Jennie down. "He'll be fine. He should be fine." They watched as the doctor tries to save him. "Taehyung, you're better than this.."

Jennie clutched on Jisoo's shirt and cried harder. She had nothing else on her mind except for every good thing that happened between Taehyung and her. Flashbacks of everything they went through and every little problem they had appeared in her thoughts. She couldn't imagine what she'd do if he's gone. He was the closest person she had all her life. Thinking he could die at the moment scared her. He's too special for her to suddenly disappear from her life.

But someone was satisfied. Seeing how everyone's nervous with what's happening made the person smile in secret.

I'm really sorry if we have to get through this🙏 I hope you understand..

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