⛓Chapter 11: T

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Loud party music and drunk and noisy people filled the street. They even took the party outside the clubs and brought their beers with them.

Meanwhile at Jin's restaurant, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Chaeyoung, Jisoo and Jimin were helping him in serving the food. It's ten at night and customers are still coming in.

"Chae." Jisoo called. "It's been two weeks. Is he still not talking to you?" Chaeyoung didn't answer and kept her poker face. "It's gonna be alright."

"I don't want to be too hopeful." She said before returning to the kitchen.

Jisoo eyed Jimin and he was looking at their direction but shorty, he shifted his eyes somewhere else. "It's obvious that he wants to talk to her but he lets his pride take over him. No wonder he's friends with Taehyung."

Chaeyoung took off the apron she was wearing and went outside. She didn't seem herself these days. She doesn't talk that much, she doesn't smile that much, and she doesn't come out of the house unless they ask her to. She's getting different.

She was walking between the large crowd when suddenly, someone from behind covered her back with a jacket. Chaeyoung quickly turned around and found Jimin trying his best to look away.

Jin and the others came out of the restaurant to witness the scene. Jimin cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. "I thought you might feel cold."

She was expecting and wishing he'd say that they're finally okay. She hoped.

"And, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I should've been more considerate and didn't overreact. I hurt your feelings and I keep feeling bad for what I said. I'm sorry."

Despite the loud music and blinding lights, Chaeyoung was able to hear everything he said and see tears forming in his eyes.

"I can't be mad at you. I don't want to see you so weak because of me. I'm sorry." Chaeyoung quickly hugged him right before he bursted out crying. "I'm sorry." He hugged her back, caressing her hair.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile. They're finally okay. Their friends stared at them in awe and while they were in the middle of their celebration, a batch of fireworks lighted up the night sky, making their moment look even better.

What can they say? It's Neon Street. It's where unexpected things can happen at the right moment. It's what the residents call "Street Magic". The feeling the street can generate is what makes it even more special and adored by the people.

A month passed and everyone was doing their tasks in Jin's Restaurant. It was eleven thirty at night and the people in Neon Street were starting to go home.

"Ah! I can't believe this!" Taehyung shouted the moment he got inside. "For the first time in five months my club only had thirteen customers! Can you believe that?" Frustrated, let himself fall on the couch seat and sighed.

"There were a lot of people on the literal street. How is that possible?" Jin asked while wiping his wet hands with a towel.

"One of my waiters said Rain Palace is having a fan event. They get to meet Ashley and have their journals and pictures signed. They're also putting everything on sale and some are even free." He said and covered his face with his hands. "And we didn't reach our goal for this week."

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