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So, I hid clues around the chapters and this is where I clear things up for you guys:

1) The line "ruined face" in Chapter 1. This is a clue that tells you that the dead body could be someone else's because the face isn't very readable. There were few cuts in the face so that any features that isn't the same with Ashley's won't raise any suspicions. 

2) I don't know if any of you noticed this but in Chapter 11, there was "Fan Meeting" mentioned. Ashley held a fan meeting in her club because she was "leaving". If you think about it, the day Ashley was "killed" was the same day as her fan meeting. I wasn't able to be very obvious about this and it needs critical thinking so you guys haven't probably guessed it. The truth is, Ashley held that fan meeting to find a body to use. There are times when a fan meeting is held, fans dress up similar to their idol, like how their hair is done, their make up and ended up looking like the actual idol (The police was under Ashley so they didn't take off the make up to not reveal the truth and deceive the eleven). This was the case with Ashley. She got lucky in that situation and used her look-a-like's body to make them believe she's dead. 

3) The missing apron of Jimin and the handkerchiefs. Jimin's apron was stolen by one of the housekeeping people to make them suspect him. This housekeeper also put those handkerchiefs in the house. The bloody handkerchief was Ashley's doing, right? Remember the new handkerchief Jin and Jisoo found at the kitchen? That was supposed to tell that Jimin is being framed. It was a set of handkerchiefs and they only used one for the framing. The housekeeper left that one handkerchief by accident. Also, the burnt toast was Jimin's doing. The housekeeper was there before Taehyung left for jogging. Jimin just didn't see it there when he made his breakfast. 

4) Apron that was with the fake Ashley. For this part, it wasn't the custom-made apron that was with the body but an apron that had a similar cloth as the ones Lisa and Chaeyoung made. When Jisoo and Yoongi came to the station to check the "evidence", the police gave her the one Chaeyoung gave to Ashley and not the one they found at the scene to trick them into Ashley's trap.

5) Next on the list is the clue of Jimin's parents being the masterminds. In Chapter 7, it is stated there that Jimin had a family emergency and he needed to leave. That was where they talked to him about the arranged marriage. Notice that he came to Jin's restaurant after their talk. Jin's restaurant is considered as the group's hang out place. Because of this action-- which his parents knew, they had the motivation to ruin their friendship. Yea, it's very immature but greedy parents would really do anything for what they want for their kids to happen. Any of you watched Sky Castle? The story's kinda like this one with the Parks and Mins.

 6) The song. The full song really doesn't contribute a lot to the plot (maybe except for the fact that it's about slowly losing the people you love), but a part of that song does. If you take a closer look at the lyrics, specifically the bridge, there's a repeating line that says, "You're not gone." Maybe it's not very direct, sorry about that.. But I wanted to use that part to give you guys a clue that someone's not "gone".  

7) Now for this one. I told you guys to pay attention to all the details because almost all I put out is important. In Chapter 37 where they received the mails, there's one thing there that says "Surveys for room service". I wanted you guys to know that other people can get inside the house without the others knowing or with the others knowing but I didn't want to be obvious and never really showed anyone going inside and say "Hey, I'm here to clean your house." It's too obvious so I kept that information short and only mentioned it once.

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