⛓Chapter 18: E

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"Joon," Jisoo called and approached him at the kitchen. "Do you have a minute? I know you're tired of all the searching but I think you need to hear this."

He sighed and placed the cup of hot water on the table. "Alright. Jin and I need to talk to you about something too. We can't trust the others about this." Namjoon made an eye contact with Seokjin who was on his computer. The older guy nodded and stood up.

"I was with Yoongi earlier. Should I calm him too?"

"No. I don't think we can trust him either." Jin came to them and crossed his arms. "Joon and I came up with something while searching for Chae-"

"Let's start from the beginning first, Jin. She'll get all confused if we tell her that." Namjoon took a deep breath and sighed. "We overheard the officer incharge of Ashley's case earlier. They're busy. Very busy."

"They're looking for Ashley's corpse." Jin quietly said.

"What? Why? Didn't they take her body that night?" Namjoon shook his head and looked at Jin. "What's going on?"

"They've been looking for it for days but they don't have a single idea who took it. We think the killer wanted to dispose Ashley's body that night. But, before that person did it, someone must have been in the scene and he or she had to run. I think that person stole the body and threw it somewhere to cover his or her tracks so his or her identity will be kept secret." Jin explained.

"And so Jin and I suddenly remembered this. The night we had a fight with Ashley, the others left the restaurant and the only ones who remained are me, Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok and you. If my hunch that one of us is her killer is true, then I'm sure one of those who left is behind all this."

"I'm afraid you might be right. Yoongi suggested we go to the station and ask them to show us the apron you saw. It's exactly the same, Joon. And I think what that new police said about..needing to examine the apron.. I think it's because they're looking for traces."

"So if that apron is at the police right now, then one of us doesn't have that thing anymore." They looked at each other as if they have one thought in mind. "Let's put and end to this once and for all."

They called out everyone and gathered in the living room. "We have to ask everyone a favor. Remember the aprons Chaeyoung and Lisa made us?" Namjoon asked.

"Of course. Why? What is this about?" Jennie asked.

"Take them out." Namjoon ordered.

"What? Are you saying the search for Ashley's killer has begun?" Lisa asked and crossed her arms. "We're definitely sure it's one of us?"

"Right. We'll find out after everyone takes out their aprons. This way, we could get that person to admit everything he or she has done." Jin said and went upstairs.

"I've never seen him so serious." Taehyung said and went to his room. The rest followed and came back, bringing with them the silver aprons Chaeyoung and Lisa specially made for them.

Jimin came to his room and checked his drawer. "What's this.. Where did mine go?" He quickly opened every drawer and cabinet to find it. "I kept this in here. I'm sure."

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