intern return

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After a few days of recovery most of us left the hospital. while we were here we found out iida had severe nerve damage in his hand. he left to recover with his family. Todoroki went back to his internship to see if his father feels guilty for taking all the glory of stopping the hero killer. And I decided to also go back to my internship.

Hosu hospital

Y/N: I'll catch you later deku get better ok

Deku: I will but are you sure your ok to go back to your internship your arm was hurt pretty badly. You shouldn't be training with uraraka and gunhead.

Y/N: I'll be fine no pain no gain right you of all people should know that.

Izuku: Ok if you say so see you back at school.

Y/N: You too peace

You left the hospital and took a train back to the agency. While walking walking you stretched your arm to make sure it's ok. You see a few scars on it

Y/N: it's still hurts a bit but I think I can deal with it.

You made it back and walked in

???: hey your back!

You see uraraka in the dojo

Uraraka: hows your arm

She grabs it and checks it

Y/N: It's fine it's fine, so did I miss anything?

???: yes

You feel a dark pressure behind you


You turn around to see gunhead

Y/N: Um hello sir-

You get cut off by him hugging you

Gunhead: I'm so happy your safe Don't do that again you worried both me and uraraka

You were happy he cared that much but you were also about to pass out from the pressure of the hug


Gunhead: Oh sorry

He puts me down

Y/N: *Pant* *pant* it's ok thank you

Gunhead: Well now that all healed up today is your last day here.

Y/N:I'm sorry I didn't mean to miss so much

Gunhead: its fine since you've been in the hospital. I'll teach you the most important lesson I taught uravity self defense

He looks at uraraka

Gunhead: since you already know this you can sit this out.

Uraraka: ok

Gunhead: now y/n is your arm ok for this?

You nod your head

Y/N: yes I can't let pain stop me I owe him this much.

Gunhead: Great get ready

You put your hero costume on and stand ready

Y/N: Ready

Gunhead takes out a knife

Gunhead: Ok hear take this knife

Your confused

Y/N: Why do I need this

Gunhead: You'll see now come at me

Y/N: What!

Gunhead: Come on theres no need to hold back

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