sports festival?

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*ECL-2K: this intro is the best one yet*

School was closed after the usj incident so I spent the day playing games and watching tv. It was nice, but I still wondered about those villains what if they come back and try to kill all might again. He looked pretty weak after the fight.

Y/N: I need to find a way to get stronger all this old junk I have in me won't work.

I looked at my used to be broken arm

Y/N: Maybe I need to exercise more and strengthen by body?

So that's why I did I went for a run and did some push ups, sit ups and other exercises for the rest of the day.

Afterward I came home and crashed on my bed.

Y/N: note *pant* next time *pant* pace yourself.

The next day I was exhausted in class

Izuku: hey are you ok? you don't look to good

You look up to see deku

Y/N: yeah I'm fine I was just out exercising yesterday.

???: well I hope your up for more.

Your eyes grow big as you say

Y/N: WHO... SAID... THAT?!

You look up to see mr.Aizawa wrapped in bandages

Aizawa: I did, hello class

Y/N: ahh it's a mummy!

He shoots you a glare from between his wraps

Y/N: .....I mean our lovey teacher mr. Aizawa heh heh. Wait what did you mean more exercising?

Aizawa:.... the ua sports festival is coming up

Y/N: huh what's that?

Izuku: it a event that hosts different events between ua students it even gets shown on tv like the Olympics

Y/N: wow *guess I better tell my family so they can watch me*

Then jiro interrupts

Jiro: wait is it such a good idea to do this right after the Villan attacks

Ojiro: yeah what if they try to sneak in and attack once were all together.

Aizawa: apparently the administration thinks this is the best way to show that the threat has been handled. Plus there beefing up security, this event is a big opportunity for all students at ua. We can't just cancel because of a few villains.

Momo: he's right and top heroes will be there and watching this is where you get scouted.

Kaminari: she's right after graduating alot of people join to pro agencies as a sidekick.

Jiro: yeah but that as far as people go they can miss there chance and stay eternal sidekicks. Actually that's probably were your heading kinda dumb.

Kaminari looks disappointed

Y/N:*wow that's harsh*

Aizawa: it's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity, that's why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro someday then this event can open a path for you. Once chance a year, three chances in a lifetime no aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival.

After lunch time and more classes it was the end of the day and everyone was talking about how pumped they are for the festival. As soon as were about to leave some other ua students appeared outside our class door blocking us.

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