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We run in through the front door.

Y/N: knock knock!

Fat gum: hate to just barge in like this but, we're kind of in a hurry. Hey I haven't seen any signs of suspicious activity yet.

Rock lock: yeah bro same here, but hey we're in it now right. We got no choice but to see it through.

Y/N: hey do you guys think it's possible that somebody leaked our plans for this raid?

Amajiki: yeah I was wondering that too, there must be a reason they all came pouring out like that.

Chief: no, if there had been a leak I think they would be fighting more cohesively. Groups like this are used to working together.

Aizawa: there is nothing that matters more to these guys than they're bond with they're boss and they're brothers. Being part of the underworld only makes loyalty that much more sacred to them. All those people outside, but we haven't caught sight of the top brass yet, they're probably underground hiding, getting ready to flee.

Kirishima: how's that supposed to be loyalty!? Forcing they're henchmen to fight for them while they run away isn't manly at all!

Y/N: your right red riot it isn't manly, it's cowardly. These punks don't deserve to be considered men, so I like to call them what they really are, puss-

Nighteye: we're here.

We all stop at what looks to be a flower pot

We all stop at what looks to be a flower pot

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Y/N: uh flowers?

Nighteye: there's a device under it that opens a hidden passage.

He lifts the pot up and starts messing with the boards under it.

Nighteye: you press down the floor boards in a specific order...and then!

Suddenly a door appears out of nowhere

While this happens you play a sound on your phone

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While this happens you play a sound on your phone.

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