emergency exit

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It was another great morning walking to UA with deku. Until we both get stopped by.......the press.

News woman: hey you two can you tell us how it feels to be taught by all might?

izuku: its uhh?

You interrupt him

Y/N: it's great were really learning alot, now if you excuse us we don't want to be late

You grab him and run off

Y/N:*man I hate the media*

In class mr. Aizawa tells us about our training yesterday.

Aizawa: kaminari, next time try not to kill your classmate.

Kaminari: sorry sir

You shoot him a sly smile

Aizawa: and y/n next time do more.
You relied on kaminari and did barely anything.

Y/N:*sigh* yes sir, *he's right all I did was take us too them. Pikachu over there shocked them and did all the work.*

Mr. Aizawa continued to tell us that it's time to pick a class representative.

We decided to vote by election. I voted for deku and to my surprise him and momo won.

I look over to iida looking disappointed he seemed like he really wanted it.

Y/N: *maybe I should have voted for him?*

While at lunch a certain electro boy and a few other students ate with me.

Mina: hey y/n you think you can tell us more about where your from?

Izuku comes rushing over with a note book.

Izuku: you think you can also say how your quirk works

Y/N: uh sure?

I told them about America and how tech support works.

Kaminari: wow so your like a human swiss army knife!

Y/N: huh yeah I guess so never thought of it like that

Izuku: how much stuff have you absorbed?

Y/N: lost count years ago

Izuku: how do you know what you have absorb years ago then?

Y/N: once I absorb something it gets saved in a sort of memory catalog in my brain

Izuku: So you just have to absorb it and you automatically remember it's in your body?

Y/N: yeah but if I get a pretty bad blow to the head I might forget. One time I had absorbed a brand new game system then I fell down a ladder hitting my head and forgetting where it was. Until my parents told me then I remembered.

Izuku: what were you doing on a ladder?

Y/N: uhh-


Y/N: woah what's going on?


We all run out into the hallway with other students and get incredibly cramped.

Y/N: I haven't..........been this cramped.........since that summer........
at Disney world!

As I look up I see iida fly by and stick to the wall.

Y/N:*what is he doing?*

Iida: everyone listen up its just the media outside please remain calm.

Everyone calms down as the police come to take the press away.

Y/n: thank god

We all head back to class. When we all get in our seats deku says he thinks iida should be the new class representative. He believes because iida was able to calm everyone down he should do it.

Y/N: yeah I think he's right.

Kirishima: yeah if y/n and midoriya vouch for him I'm good.

Kaminari: hey did you see how he looked like the emergency exit sign dude earlier.

Y/n: ooh I like that nickname "emergency exit"

Y/N: *Points to iida* that's your new nickname.

Iida:..... if midoriya is offering my this job I humbly accept it I won't let any of you down.

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