Christmas break (PT.2)

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ECL2K: sorry about the accidental published earlier I was making some fixes and accidentally pressed publish. Side note they should really ask you twice so something like that doesn't happen


It was the middle of the night and you were asleep in the guest room bed. But because of snow all outside and the cold air coming from the open window you were having a nightmare. You started speaking and squirming in your bed.

Y/N: too....dark.


You suddenly woke up in some kind of black void.

Y/N: huh where am I?

You got up and stared walking around


My voice echoed throughout this void.

Y/N: ugh this place really gives me the cree-OOF!

You walked into something

Y/N: arg son of a...what the- glass!?

It was a huge wall of glass.

Y/N: what's this doing here?

You knocked on it

Y/N: hmm well theres nowhere else to go. I just can cut past it.

You tried to form your sword but something was wrong nothing formed.

Y/N: what the? Ok.....let's try smashing it!

You tried to make your jackhammer but nothing.

Y/N: again! come on there's gotta be something I can use!

You tried forming your staff, gauntlets, drill, you even tried forming other things like a toaster or a blender but you just ended up getting.......

Y/N: nothing!

You sat down leaning your back on the glass

Y/N: *sigh* I guess I'm stuck in here-

All of a sudden you started hearing something behind you

Y/N: that sounds like......Footsteps!!

You got up and banged on the glass

Y/N: hello is anyone there, HELLO!?

The footsteps got closer you even started hearing multiple.

Then all of a sudden on the other side of the glass all of your classmates appeared.


You banged on the glass but it seemed like they couldn't hear you. So they started looking around just as confused as you are.

Y/N: they can't hear or see me. Maybe they're stuck in here too? I gotta find some way to contract them.

While you were thinking something was forming behind your classmates.

Y/N: hmm maybe I can- huh what's that?

Suddenly a pair of glowing red eyes appeared.

Suddenly a pair of glowing red eyes appeared

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