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Its early in the morning we walk into a part of the gunhead agency its looks like a dojo we see other guys too most likely his sidekicks

Gunhead: Ok everyone head outside

Everyone: yes sir

We do so and we stop in front of the agency

Gunhead: Ok first up for training today I need 10 laps around the agency

You smirk

Y/N: Pfft easy

You turn your legs into the hover shoes

Gunhead: No using your quirks

Y/N: Aww What

Uraraka: Think about it he want us to train our bodies since we rely on our quirk so much

Gunhead: right! Now 10 laps GO!

We all start running

You do pretty good but everyone else start running circles around you

30 minutes later

You fall to the ground and raise you fist in the air


(Mei POV)

Mei: ACHOOO.....oooh that means someone talking about me I hope it's for my babies!


uraraka: are you ok y/n you were the last one to finish

She helps you up

Y/N: yeah I know

Gunhead: Ok good job everyone now on to the next lesson

Y/N: Can't we take a break!

He tosses you a water bottle

Gunhead: Nope we trained your legs next up is you arms so drink up and refuel


Uraraka: Come on y/n it'll be fun

Y/N: sigh.....Fine

We walk back into the dojo

Gunhead: Ok up next arm exercises do a punch with both arms for ten minutes ok

Everyone: Yes sir

Y/N: This is gonna kill my arms

You all start punching the air

Gunhead: RIGHT......LEFT!

Everyone: RIGHT.....LEFT.

Gunhead: Don't just go through the motions make sure your focusing on each individual punch remember the most important thing is you basic physical strength

As he says that he does some weird cutesy pose

Y/N: *Whats with the weird pose?* RIGHT....LEFT UGH

After ten minutes of repeatedly punch passed you arms were basically heavier than stone so you sat on the ground

Y/N: *Pant* *pant* ugh can we please take a break!

Gunhead thinks

Gunhead: Hmmm sure

You pause and look up at him

Y/N: R-really?

He nods his head

Gunhead: Yup you need to recuperate get something to eat and drink and be back soon because the final lesson is self defense.

You get up and stretch your back

Y/N: ugh Why do I feel like this is gonna hurt

Uraraka: It most likely will, if your hungry come with me I know a good tea shop around here

You shrug

Y/N: Hmm sure

While we were walking I look around

Y/N: You know I been here for a while and I'm still surprised at what I see

You see a giant mall and some pro heroes walking around

Uraraka: Really is there anything different form where you from?

Y/N: Not much but there isn't as many heroes walking around

Uraraka: Why is that?

Y/N: I don't know, I always felt like some of them got inspired by comics and decided to use a secret identity to walk around

Uraraka: Hmm I guess that makes sense- oh where here.

It's a small tea place with plants growing on it Me and uraraka go in.

Uraraka gets a salad and lemon tea

You get F/F and F/T

We get them to go and leave

Y/N: Nice place seems very comfy

Uraraka: I know right not many people even know this place exists it's a shame

Y/N: That suc- OOF

You bump into someone

Y/N: Agh sorry sir

You look up to see a tall man with a gray mustache

???: No no my apologies dear boy have a nice day

He walks into the cafe

Uraraka: wow what a gentleman

Y/N: ...Yeah usually where I'm from you get yelled at if someone bumps into you

We continue to walk back to the gunhead agency while eating our food and drinking our tea

Uraraka: This tea is amazing right!

Y/N: Yeah Very tasty and refreshing

We enter the building

Gunhead: Hey you two ready for some self defense training

Uraraka: YEAH!

Y/N: I guess

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