izuku vs todoroki

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Well the first fight of the second round is deku vs todoroki and I'm excited but scared

Y/N: deku is all about hand to hand closes combat while todoroki is all about range

Uraraka: so he needs to get in close to win it right

Y/N: Exactly let's just hope he can find an opening

The match begin with todoroki shooting ice and deku using he finger to blow it back breaking it in the process. And it continues like this for sometime.

Izuku: SMASH!!!

Y/N: how is going to keep this up he'll run out of fingers to break

Then as deku shoots back more ice he runs out of fingers to use on his right hand

Todoroki uses an ice bridge to rush him

Izuku: NO!

He breaks the bridge but todoroki jumps off of it trying to catch him off guard he catches deku's leg in some ice.

Y/N: smart move on todoroki's part, now how is deku gonna get out of this?

Uraraka: yeah I don't think a finger flick is going to break this much ice

Izuku reals back and uses his whole arm breaking the ice while screaming in pain.

Y/N: Oof that'll work

Todoroki files back but not out as he uses his ice to stop himself.

Izuku stands there shaken and surprised

Todoroki: what's the matter are you really that worn out from defending against my attacks?

He says to izuku

Y/N: he's right one of deku's arms is broken and the other has broken fingers I think this might be over.

Uraraka: oh no

Todoroki looks at endeavor

Todoroki: look at him he's furious I'm not using his power. Now with your hands like that you can't fight anymore why don't we end this.

He shoots bunch of ices at deku

Y/N: here it comes

Uraraka: I can't watch

Izuku: I am not done yet!

But it doesn't connect as it gets pushed back again almost out of the ring

Y/N and uraraka: huh?

Y/N: how did he?

You both look to see he used his one of his broken fingers

Uraraka: Agh that has to hurt

Y/N: and its purple, *gags* I think I'm gonna be sick

Todoroki: * with his broken finger why is he going this far*

Izuku: your trembling, your body can't take that much cold right

Todoroki is surprised

Izuku: I get it you usually would make up for the temperature drop with the heat from your left but you refuse to do that. Listen were all giving one hundred percent to try and win but your only using half your strength. Look at me you haven't put a scratch on my yet so COME AT ME WITH ALL YOU GOT!

Todoroki gets a little angry

Todoroki: midoriya what are you trying to do here, do you want my fire? What did my monster of a dad bribe you or something?

Y/N: his dad?

Kirishima: yeah his dad is the number two hero endeavor, did you not know that?

Y/N: no *I wonder what his dad did to him*

Todoroki starts running towards deku

Uraraka: does he look slower to you?

Y/N: maybe he use to much ice

Todoroki jumps trying to hit him but reals back and Deku lands a solid punch on him

Uraraka: nice

But his fingers turn a darker purple

Y/N: *gags*

Deku and todoroki got in a stalemate  with todoroki trying to freeze him and deku blowing him back with his broken fingers and even flicking his thumb off his mouth

You get a worried look

Y/N: his fingers might be severely damaged after this he may even loose feeling in them

They keep going with deku yelling that he's giving it his all and that if todoroki doesn't he'll surpass him

With deku's words something sparks in todoroki his fire starts to shoot off

The fire cause you and your class to sweat

Uraraka: he's using his fire!

Y/N: it's so powerful that I can feel it from here!

Then endeavor starts to speak

Endeavor: yes shoto have you finally accepted your purpose that it's very good this is a dawn of a new era for us with my blood in your veins you'll surpass me you will live up to the reason I created you!

You look surprised

Y/N: * so that's why he didn't want to use it, I wouldn't use my quirk either if my dad was like that*

Izuku stands there smiling at todoroki

Todoroki: why are you smiling with those injuries in this situation you must be crazy, don't blame me for what happens next

Todoroki shoots off a massive amount of ice at midoriya as deku goes in jumping over it

Midnight and cementoss try to stop them by using there quirks before they kill each other

Cemetoss makes giant walls between them but it doesn't work as they clash with there full power

The explosion causes people to get blown away both literally and figuratively

Y/N: Huh? AHHH!

You get blown away too but you use the jetpack to stop

Y/N: what the hell was that!?!

You sit back in your seat to see deku out of bounds and unconscious on the ground

Y/N and uraraka: DEKU!

midnight: midoriya is out of bounds todoroki advances to the next round

You look over to todoroki standing in the arena and think

Y/N: * I MIGHT HAVE TO GO AGAINST HIM *exhale* I hope I stand a chance against that kind of power.....and ice*

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