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You run in trying to find help


Vlad: hello?

He sees both of you and the state your in

Vlad: my god in here!

You follow him in the room with the remedial class(kirishima, kaminari, mina, sero, sato, and monoma from class B.)

vald: clear a table!

Mina: what happened to both of you!?!

You put mei on the table

Y/N: *cough cough cough*

You start knelling down coughing up blood

Kaminari: y/n your really hurt man!

Y/N: I'm fine

Kirishima: what happened!?

Y/N: a villain attacked me and mei.

You stand up

Y/N: listen to me what ever you guys can do find a first aid kit or something and help her please she bleeding to much.

Kaminari: but your bleeding too!

Y/N: I'll *cough* be fine just help her.

You start to walk out of the room. But vlad stops you.

Vlad: where are you going those injuries are too severe!

Y/N: I don't care I'm going to find her.

Sato: who?


Vlad: your delusional you can't go back out there as one of your teachers I command you to stay her-

You punch him in the gut.

Y/N: I don't care if your my teacher or god himself I'm going out. All of you keep her safe, stay here, and lock the door.

Mina: y/n wai-

You run outside not listening.

Y/N: I'm gonna find you

???: who?


You turn around to see blue fire. You form your shield just in time.

???: fast reflexes kid

It's some guy with scars in his body

Y/N: listen hot topic I don't have time to deal with another one of you.

You point your sword at him

Y/N: so tell me where the toga girl is and maybe I'll let you keep your arms.

Hot topic: that's not something a hero should say. The names dabi by the way and I don't know or care where she is, but your on the kill list so...

He shoot off more fire.

You use your hi jump boots to jump over him and stab him in the back.

Y/N: I don't have time for your bullshit, BURN IN HELL!

Dabi: heh I like you kid we should have went after you.

He melts into mud

Y/N: another one are they all damn clones!

???: woah

You turn around to see Iida, ojiro, mineta, and koda

Mineta: y/n what happened to you, did you stab him, and did he just melt!?!

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