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I was finally able to leave the hospital it felt good to stretch my arms even with the scars. Apparently while I was unconscious alot of things happened.

Thanks to the internet I found out a villain appeared unlike anyone has ever seen. All might fought him and won but in the process his true form was revealed to the world. It was surprising to see the symbol of peace deflated like a balloon, Its definitely gonna be weird when I see him at school.

Me and dad decided to go back to my place to and start packing my stuff before he went back home.

Dad: *sigh* ok that's the last of it. Man you really have alot of junk.

Y/N: says the man who bought me the "junk"

We both laughed

Dad: ok but how are we going to get everything in the car?

Y/N: we could try-

*Knock knock*

It was the door

Mr.L/N: I got it

He opened the door to see hatsume with a backpack.

Mei: hey Y/N, hi Mr.L/N

Mr.L/N: well if it isn't my future daughter in law come in

Y/N: *I hate him so much*

She comes in

Y/N: hey mei what's up?

Mei: nothing just checking up on you. so you guys getting your stuff ready for UA?

Y/N: yup now we just need to put everything in the car.

Mr.L/N: you could just fly each box over.

Y/N: ok first the boxes are still heavy and second I can't use my quirk outside without permission its illegal.

Mr.L/N: oh right

Mei: maybe I can help?

Mr.L/N: how?

Y/N: well she is pretty strong. Emphasis on the "pretty" and "strong"

You winked

She blushed and smiled

Mei: *chuckle* not like this!

She walked outside next to the car and pressed a button on her backpack. And popped out four mechanical arms

She stood up with her arms making her look taller

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She stood up with her arms making her look taller.

Mr.L/N: WOAH!!

She smiles at his reaction

Mei: do you like them?

Mr.L/N: there just......woah!

You just smirked

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