Lets Do This

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So there you were on a plane to Japan. You recently go enrolled to UA thanks to a recommendation from your father. Ever since you heard about this place from your late grandpa you've promised him you would go here one day.

and thanks to your dad you are, apparently he knows a hero over here to get you in. You were really excited but also extremely nervous.

Y/N: *sigh* well here we go, I still can't believe he got me in to this school.

Your plane landed, your grabbed you luggage and went off. You saw a man holding a sign with your name on it.

???: Mr. Y/N L/N

Y/N: uhh yeah that me, who are you?

Aizawa: I'm Shota Aizawa I'm here to take you to your home come with me

Y/N: oh thanks

Aizawa: no problem

We got in his car and drove threw the city to stop at an apartment building that looks pretty nice.

Y/N: thanks for the ride Mr.Aizawa

Aizawa: your welcome, your parents sent your thing's here in advance. They should already be in your place.

Y/N: cool, thanks again

Aizawa: once again your welcome, see you tomorrow.

He drove off

Y/N: hmm, wonder what he meant by that*shrugs* eh doesn't matter.

You walk into your apartment and you about start unpacking, but before you can start your body starts to play your phones ringtone.

You form your phone in your hand.

Y/N: hello


Y/N: Oh sorry dad how's everyone.

Dad: There fine, so how was the plane ride

Y/N: it was ok-

???: IS THAT Y/N!

You get cut off

Dad: yeah it is

You here the voices of your mom and your little sister

Mom: Hi honey we miss you already

S/N: HI Y/N!

Y/N: hey guys I miss you too.

Your dad takes the phone back

Dad: So you ready?

Y/N: uhh NOPE NOPE AND MORE NOPE I'm incredibly nervous.

Dad: Heh don't worry son you've got this we all believe in you, isn't that right guys.

Mom&S/N: YEAH!

Y/N: *sigh* I wish grandpa could see me now

Dad: I bet he would have been very proud

Y/N: yeah

Mom: now y/n make sure to call us whenever you can ok honey

Y/N: Definitely

Mom: and brush you teeth

Y/N: yup

Mom: also don't forget to comb your hair

Y/N: ok mom I get it

Dad: and definitely don't forget to call us if you have that dream again ok

Y/N: I will thanks

Dad: good now son listen to us ok

Y/N: o....k?

You can hear all of them start inhaling air to say something


Y/N: haha I'll talk to you guys later love you

Family: we love you too bye and good luck.

Y/N: bye

You hang up

Y/N: welp let's get unpacking


Y/N: finally done, hmm I think I'll get some fresh air.

You go for a walk, while your walking you look up to see UA on a big hill

Y/N: *I made it grandpa* huh I guess it really does just sit up there

???: I know right it's so cool

You jump from surprise


???: oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you.

Y/N: uh it's ok

He holds out his hand

Izuku: I'm izuku midoriya, I assume your gonna go to UA too huh

You shake his hand

Y/N: *wow another UA student like me* uhh hi my name is y/n l/n and yeah I am but I'm a little nervous though.

Izuku: yeah you and me both. The top hero school, with hero teachers and other students trying to be heroes just like us.

Y/N: ok not to be mean izuku but that really isn't helping

Izuku: oh sorry

He looks at his watch

Izuku: Oh man sorry again I have to go meet someone see you at school

He runs off

Y/N: it's cool, see ya broccoli boy.

He stops and turns around

Izuku: b-broccoli boy?

Y/N: huh oh sorry I give everyone new I meet nicknames it's just my thing

Izuku: it's ok my friends call me deku

Y/N: ok deku see you tomorrow

Izuku: you too

He continues to run

Y/N: huh cool guy, weird hair though.

You go back to you apartment to catch some zzz so you can be ready for tomorrow

Y/N:*on your bed looking up at the ceiling* UA here I come.

Hey guys its ECL-2K again I hope you like this first chapter. Took me a while to write since it's my first but I think its ok. See you guys next time when we head to UA.

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