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ECL-2K: guess who finally got some time in to write!? Besides that I'm so close to hitting 100 followers and that's awesome! I honestly didn't think people would like my book that much, thanks for the support guys.

Also if you do or don't already I follow check out my "conversions" tab on my profile I sometimes post fun facts about the story or small one offs I thought would be nice or funny. Like y/n and neijre celebrating pocky day or y/n and mei in the future, or just y/n messing with Bakugo.

That's all thanks again guys. Chapters are still gonna be a bit slow.( If you wanna know why check the *update* Chapter.) So I hope you guys can bear with me. Anyway Enjoy the chapter and if you celebrate it have an great Thanksgiving also!

It's been a few days since your run in with Kai chisaki and Eri. You and deku were still thinking about her alot, which unsurprisingly made you both loose focus in classes. But because of sir nighteyes investigation with the shie hassaikai you and deku didn't have to go in as much. Giving you more time to see mei and get your mind off things. You were even able to help her with jenni one day.


You, Mei, Jenni and wolf were in gym gamma, testing out jenni's upgraded paralyzer blasters.

Y/N: uh mei I know I said I would help you out with teaching jenni but uh....WHY DO I HAVE TO BE THE TARGET PRACTICE!?

Mei: Because, your the only one of us that has a shield silly!

Y/N: well why can't wolf do this, doesn't he have one?

Mei: nope, well at least not yet.

Jenni: plus he's recording this so if we have any problems we know what to repair later.

Mei: exactly!

Wolf was standing across from all of you and waved his tail

Y/N: *sigh*

Wolf starts recording

Bladewolf: alright, whenever you two are ready.

Jenni: ok!, so these new blasters have a new dail on them so you can choose how much power you want to shoot out.

Mei: yup, so first up let's try out ten percent.

They both turn they're dials

Mei: ok ready are you y/n?

Y/N: hmm let me thin-NO!

Mei: OK....FIRE!!!

They both press they're triggers and shoot small electrial based energy blasts at you. So you put up your sheild to block them.

Mei: ok that's enough jen.

They both stopped, as you checked your shield and your person

Y/N: huh?, oh thank god I'm alive, and look at that the sheild barely has a scratch.

Mei and jenni started thinking

Jenni: hmm, so it looks like ten percent barely damaged his sheild.

Mei: it seems so

Jenni: hmm so should we dail up to twenty?

Mei: hmmm, nah let's bump it up to fifty!, I bet that'll really make an impact!

Y/N: woah wait wha-



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