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ECL-2K: new year, new chapter. Happy new year guys. I can't wait to see what 2022 has in store. Also if you don't mind check out the tech support one shot side stories, there's only one story now but I promise I'll update it soon. Anyways once again happy new year and heres to 2022!

It's been a few days since we learned the truth about eri. You and the other work studies students were waiting for nighteye's agency and the other heroes to pin point the location of chisaki and eri. But until that we were on standby, we were also under orders not to say anything about our work studies. Not to classmates, friends or...significant other.


For the past few days Mei noticed you being more distant, on edge, and most strangely quiet. As of now you are both sitting together at lunch. Mei looked as you were quietly staring at your food.

Mei: *he's been so quiet these past few days, he loves to talk to me or his friends. Plus he hasn't even called me goggles or anybody else nicknames.*

She noticed you tap your foot repeatedly

Mei: *sigh* ,*I've been silent because I know it's about his work studies and he probably can't tell me, but..... I'm too worried about him. So I've go to try and ask* Uh hey y/n are you ok?...

You stayed silent thinking intensely. While staring at your food.

Y/N: *come on find her soon..please!*

Mei: y-y/n?

Suddenly you felt a tap your shoulder making you loss your train of thought.

Y/N: HUH!? WHAT!? ...oh hey mei? Wait when did you get here?

Mei: y/n, we walked here together.

Y/N:...oh, hehe uhh so we did.

Mei: *sigh* y/n I'm really worried about you.

Y/N: why?

Mei: what do you mean why?, lately you've been so distant and on edge, and very creepily quiet. I mean look at your food you haven't even touched it. You've just been staring at it.

You look down to see your food undisturbed.


Mei: I just wanna talk to you and hear your voice but ever since you started your work studies you've just been...out of it.

She looked down.

Mei: I've tried to ask deku about what's been happening with you but he's more or less the same. Then I tried wolf but he said he can't tell me or anyone what's going on.

You stayed silent and rubbed the back of your head

Mei: y/n listen I know you can't tell me about what's going on, but I just want you to know....

She hugs you.

Mei: you can talk to me when ever you want. And if you can't talk to me about work studies then talk to me about something else, anything. Please I don't like seeing you like this.

You look at her again, then you take a breath and hug her back

Y/N: listen mei I-I'm sorry, I've just....

You look I'm her eyes

Y/N: *I want to tell her I really do but..*

you hugged her tighter and kissed her.

Tech Support My hero academia x male reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now