meet the hatsume's

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ECL-2K: this is my second favorite chapter my most favorite will come up later.

You and hatsume were walking to her house

Y/N: So what's that new baby you couldn't get your hands off of?

Mei: Well I was working on something another student asked me to make and.....something just for you!

You were surprised

Y/N: Me Again?

You stop her

Y/N: goggles listen, you don't have to keep making me something new over and over again. I don't want you to overexert yourself.

Mei: I know but I like seeing my babies being used by someone who really likes them.

Y/N: Wait other people don't like them?

Mei: that's not it, its just....people see my babies as just gadgets or trinkets while you see them as apart of well you!

She smiles as you blush

Y/N: *chuckle* Your right they are apart of me now but I have you to thank for that I would be useless without you.

She blushes as you heard what you just said

Y/N: Oh I mean

Mei: No it's ok thank you.

Y/N: your welcome just keep the promise you made to me. Don't hurt yourself making more babies ok

Mei: I will and I hope people in the future think how you do about me and my babies

You smile

Y/N: I'm sure they will come on let get you home.

Mei: ok

We continue walking as she walks next to you closely. Soon we end up at her house

Mei: thanks for walking me home again

Y/N: anytime goggles see ya

Mei: bye~

You start to walk away until she opens the door and see her mom

Mrs. Hatsume: WAIT!

Your turn around to see a lady with yellow eyes you assume to be her mother

Y/N: huh?, Oh Uh hello mrs. Hatsume *was she listening to us behind the door?*

Mrs. Hatsume: Hello dear how are you?

Y/N: I'm fine thank you, oh my name is Y/N L/N by the way

You shake her hand

Mrs. Hatsume: What a nice name say would you like to come in for dinner

Mei: Oooh can he!?!

You started getting nervous

Y/N: *She's asking me in?* Ah nono I don't want to intrude-

You were cut off by mei grabbing your arm

Mei: Come on it would be fun

Mrs. Hatsume: Yes, me and my husband would love the meet and thank the boy who saved our daughter

Y/N: *meet her dad!?! Nononono* Ummm

Mei: Pleeeeeeese

She gives you the puppy dog look

Y/N: *The puppy dog look with her cute eyes it's..... too.... much* ok sure *dang it*

Mei: Yes come on

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