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After the calvary battle we went to get something to eat and rest in the cafeteria.

Goggles: hey again~

Someone walks up behind me while I'm eating and from that voice I know who it is

Y/N: hi

She sits next to me

Goggles: so how did you like my hover baby?

Y/N: they worked great thanks.

Goggles: I knew you'd love them, so how about something else

Y/N: huh?

She reveals a suitcase with other gadgets in it.

Y/N: woah

Goggles: so which would you like?

You look around to pick up a jetpack

Y/N: is this the same one deku used in the calvary battle?

Goggles: ooo I knew you'd would pick that one and yup I just had to repair it.

You absorb it and make it reappear on your back

Y/N: sweet thanks goggles

She tilts her head as you just heard what you said and start you blushing

Goggles: goggles?

Y/N: SORRY SORRY, I just never got your name and I usually give new people I meet and like a nickname.

Goggles: *like?* oh it's ok I actually really like it. oh and my name is-

Before she could finish an announcement goes off


Goggles: welp gotta go bye enjoy my jet baby.

She runs off

Y/N: wait I didn't get your.... and she's gone, man her quirk must be speed because she runs fast.

We all head out back to the stadium to find my female classmates wearing cheerleader outfits.

Y/N: uhhh ok

We find out that everyone that didn't make it are competing in side games and that the ones that won the last event are.....FIGHTING IN A TOURNAMENT

Y/N: *sigh* really?.

Before midnight could tell us who's fighting whom someone speaks up

Ojiro: excuse me but I'm withdrawing

I look over to see ojiro

Izuku: Ojiro?

Y/N: wait why

Ojiro: I barely remember anything from the calvary battle. I think it was that guys quirk.

He points to the purple haired jerk

Y/N:*so his quirk is some kind of mind control.*

Ojiro:I know that this a great opportunity but my conscience won't let me take it.

Y/N: come on man think about this first.

Ojiro: I have ok, everyone gave it there all in round two but I was someone's puppet no way, I don't want to advance if I dont know how I got here.

Hagakure: you making to much out of this just kill it in the finals and prove yourself there.

Ojiro: that's not it I'm talking about my pride here and I refuse to give that up......also why are all the girls dressed like cheerleaders?

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