mall trouble

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It was the day after the exam. We were all in class some of us were excited about camp while others were....not.

Mina, kaminari, sato, and kirishima were depressed because they lost there exams so they couldn't go.

Mina (crying): everybody I'm looking forward to all your stories of how fun camp was.

Izuku: maybe they'll end up letting you go there might be a last minute twist or something.

Y/N: yeah probably you know how mr. Aizawa does things.

Sero puts his hands on our shoulders

Sero: by saying that out loud your just jinxing them

Kaminari: they said who ever failed will be in summer school hell we didn't pass the practical so were doomed. DON'T YOU GET IT MIDORIYA OR DID ALL MIGHT KNOCK THE BRAINS OUT OF YOU!!

He says as he pokes deku's eyes


You pull him away from deku

Sero: yeah I don't think I'm going either our team only one because of mineta I got knocked out.


As he yells that mr. Aizawa walks into class and we all sit down and keep quiet.

Aizawa: morning, unfortunately there are some of you that did not pass the exam so when it comes to the training camp in the woods........EVERYONE IS GOING!!

He said with a creepy smile.

Kirishima, kaminari, mina, and seto all jump up excited

Y/N: looks like me and deku called it

Kirishima: we really get to go!?

Aizawa: yeah the good news is no one bombed the written exam.

Y/N: *that's why*

Aizawa: five students failed the practical two teams and sero as well

Sero: aww crap I knew it!

Aizawa: allow me to explain for the battles the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win otherwise you never would have stood a chance. We were interested in how you each work together and how you approach the task at hand

Ojiro: but didn't you promise that the teachers wouldn't be holding back.

Aizawa: that was just to keep you on edge.

Y/N: *please don't make a habit of that*

Aizawa: besides the training camp will focus on building your strength.
Those who failed needed those lessons the most we were never going to separate you.

He regains his creepy smile

Aizawa: it was just a logical description we used.

Iida: he tricked us all I should have expected this.

Y/N: *why do I feel like he should be a villain rather than I hero*

Iida stands up

Iida: mr. Aizawa this is the second time you lied to us aren't you afraid we'll lose faith in you.

Y/N: *like I said.*

Aizawa: that's a good point I'll consider it but I wasn't lying about everything failure is failure

He looks at kaminari, mina, kirishima, sato, and sero.

Aizawa: we prepared lessons for the five of you frankly they'll be far tougher than the ones at Summer school.

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