Christmas break (PT.3)

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You and mei were still talking your snowday walk and after walking past some christmas lights and taking a picture with a mall Santa, mei stops and see something familiar.

Mei: hey look its your old apartment building!

Y/N: yeah it is

Mei: didn't you say someone else is living there now, who do you think it is?

You shrug

Y/N: I don't know

You smirk

Y/N: maybe it some hot chick.

When you said that Mei glares at you

Y/N: I'm kidding *and she said I was jealous*

Mei looks over your sholder and smirks

Mei: or maybe it's cold guy

Y/N: hmm?

She points, Then you turn around to see what looks to be a snowman.

Y/N: oh, ha ha.

You said sarcastically

you both walk up to the snowman to get a closer look, but there was something off about it....

Y/N: is it...

Mei: upside down!?

Mei: upside down!?

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Y/N: weird

Mei: aww I think he's cute, you know I used to make snowmen all the time when I was younger, they were so much fun to build.

Y/N: so did I *before the accident*, but I've never seen one upside down before.

Mei: me nether I bet this look alot of work to make. Ooo hey let's get a picture with it! 

Y/N: ok sure.

You form your phone then you both stand in front of it and smile.

Y/N: say brain freeze!



As the camera goes off something jumped out from behind the snowman and photobombed you and Mei. You both jump in surprise and scream.



You both look to see someone walking from behind the snowman...

???: sorry, I just wanted to get in the photo. Are you guys ok?

It was a little girl wearing a pink coat and a scarf covereing most of her face.

Mei: oh it's just a little girl.

Y/N: oh good I thought the snowman came alive *that would have been horrifying!* but yeah we're alright, who are you anyway?

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