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First up is uraraka, gunhead held a knife in his hand and told uraraka to try to get it away from him

While they were fighting you form your phone to check if anything is happening. The first thing that pops up is that an explosion went off near hosu

Y/N: *wait Isn't iida there I wonder what happened. I hope he's ok*

Just then you get a text message from deku.

Y/N: hmmm? Deku, why would he text me his locatio-? Wait....IS HE IN HOSU?!

You stared getting worried and check more about what's happening in house

Y/N: an explosion, apparently their is nomu monsters there, and the hero killer. crap he must be in trouble.

You look to see uraraka and gunhead still practicing self defense

Y/N: Hey guys uhh I gotta go

Uraraka: Why whats wrong?

Y/N: its uhh Family emergency!

Gunhead: Well Ok be back soon we still got more training to do. Oh and be careful.

Y/N: Ok I will

You put on your hero costume and left. Uraraka watches you leave and thinks.

Uraraka: *wait isn't his family in another country?*

You ran down the street and formed the jetpack flying off at amazing speeds

Y/N: Wow hatsume was right this is faster

You made it to hosu and see fire and h eros fighting nomu monsters

Y/N: this is terrible! *Come on deku don't be dead DON'T BE DEAD*

You keep flying until One of the nomu with wings spots you and flies towards you.

Nomu: SCREECH!!!

Y/N: sorry ugly but I got somewhere to be!

You form you sword holster and press the trigger quickly pulling out the sword and slicing off its wings in the process as it starts to fall to the ground.


You yell as a few heroes move out of the way for the nomu to slam into the ground.


You nod and fly off

Y/N: *This sword is great thanks hatsume!*

You continue flying only to stop and look down seeing todoroki slicing on his ice

Y/N:*its todoroki!* YO FREEZERBURN!

he looks up as you fly down

Todoroki: y/n what are you doing here?

Y/N: Deku texted me his location

Todoroki: You too huh then come on his location is around the corner he could use our help

I fly us both over to see deku, iida, and the hero native on the ground. Native was unconscious and the hero killer was standing over iida

 Native was unconscious and the hero killer was standing over iida

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