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After your fight between shiozaki hatsume comes to congratulate you

Mei: that was awesome! the way you use my babies to fly around and put her in a net to tie her up was amazing and don't worry I already have ideas for your baby!

Y/N: thanks, so looks like I'm up against todoroki later *sigh*

She hugs you

Y/N: h-huh?

Mei: come on you can do it

Y/N: T-thanks goggles, gotta go back to the bleachers see ya

You walk back to see you other classmates

Kirishima: Hey y/n great match

Jiro: yeah not even kaminari could beat her

Kaminari: HEY!

Y/N: thanks guys so who's next

The next match was between tokoyami and ashido and went by fast. Dark shadow just pushed her out of the ring

Y/N: Wow that was quick right

You look over to uraraka who looks sad

Y/N: Hey what's up still worried about deku?

Uraraka: she said he's going to have surgery

Y/N: don't worry recovery girl is the best healer he'll be fine.

She give a small smile

Uraraka: sure

Kirishima vs bakugo match went pretty fast too

Bakugo just rapid exploded him until kirishima's quirk could take anymore damage

Y/N: I guess his quirk couldn't take anymore

Just then deku walks down with his arms badged

Uraraka: deku!

Y/N: yo looks like your surgery went fine

Izuku: yeah recovery girl healed me up enough to walk

Uraraka: shouldn't you be taken it easy?

Izuku: I wanna watch the the final matches in person everyone's efforts pay off here

Present mic: here are your final four





You get up

Y/N: Well I hope you guys enjoy the show

You say with a somber look

Deku: good luck y/n

Uraraka: yeah be careful

Tsuyu: you can do it

Kaminari: you got this

Mineta: you can do it and even if you can't we won't think any less of you

You shoot them a smile

Y/N: thanks everyone

You walk up to mei's class bleachers and see her sitting looking up at you

She gives you a smile and a thumbs up

You do the same and walk down to the arena entrance while taking to yourself

Y/N: don't let your fear stop just go plus ultra

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