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The two days off went buy pretty fast you mostly spent time playing games and walking around getting use to the city

You also looked at the news from time to time hearing about this "hero killer" guy and why iida left early. His brother the pro hero ingenium was badly hurt and in the hospital

You look down sad

Y/N: Man that must hurt I hope iida is alright

the next time you went for a walk you got noticed by a few people that probably watched the sports festival it was pretty nice to get somewhat treated like a celebrity

Then it was time for another day of school, you look out your window to see it was

Y/N:..........raining *ugh* not only do I hate cold I despise rain

*your quirk doesn't work in water*

You got your uniform on grabbed a coat and an umbrella and ran outside

Y/N: ugh it's so c-c-cold I better run for it I don't want to be caught in this for to long

While running you heard something

???: hey stop give it back

???: or what

Y/N: sounds like kids?

You go around a corner to see some kids picking on a little girl crying with a toy robot

Y/N: ugh Had to be a on rainy day

You walk over to them


They turn around to see you

Bully kid: hey who are- *gasp* its the robot guy from the UA sports festival!

Y/N: *robot guy?* Yeah I am now run off and leave her alone or I'll uhh......skewer you with my jackhammer *huh guess I'm channeling my inner bakugo*

Bully kid 2: l-lets get out of here man

They get scared so they drop the toy and run off

You walk up to the little girl and pick up her robot

Y/N: Hey are you alright

Little girl: *sobbing* yes

You help her up

Y/N: so what's your name

She dries her eyes

Jenni: its j-Jenni

Y/N: Ok jenni I like your robot did you make this yourself

Y/N: Ok jenni I like your robot did you make this yourself

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Jenni: Thank you and yes

Y/N: hmm a piece broke off here let me.....

You both get some where dry as turn your finger into a drill and fix it

Y/N: There good as new right?

You hand it to her

jenni: WOW! Thanks

Y/N: your welcome now where your parents jenni, Shouldn't they be with you?

Jenni: my dad had to go to work early so he couldn't take me and mommy

You can see her start to tear up

Y/N: Its ok jenni I understand *he couldn't take his daughter to school on a rainy day? That's just bad parenting.* here let me walk you to school so you don't get picked on your way there.

Jenni: Ok thank you

While walking her you ask her

Y/N: So do you have a quirk yet?

She looks down sad

Jenni: yeah but it isn't cool

Y/N: what is it

Her quirk (ELECTRONIC CONTROL) she can touch machines and control them like her toy robot


She gets surprised by your outburst

Jenni: r-really it's not that powerful it only last for a minute

You put you hand on her shoulder

Y/N: that quirk will be majorly powerful in the future so keep working on it

We stop at her school you look down at her

Y/N: Hey have a nice day and if those guys come after you again give me a call ok

You give her a card with your school and your number

Y/N: *Thanks for the idea hatsume*

Jenni: t-t-thank you mr.robot

Y/N: Your welcome and my name is      Y/N L/N but you can call me mr. Robot if you want

Jenni: Ok bye mr.L/- I mean mr. Robot

Before She walks to school before she turns around and gives you a hug then runs off

Y/N: Have a great day jenni! *Cute kid She reminds me of hatsume*

You start thinking about hatsume and remember.......

Y/N: *Gasp* SCHOOL!

You form a digital watch on your wrist


You start making a B-line to UA

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