the truth

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You, mei, some of your classmates, and some from class B were taken to the hospital after the police arrived. Mei was going to be ok because of help from vlad and your other classmates. You on the other hand were much worse. Multiple stab wounds, alot of blood loss, and the worst of all multiple seizures from your head ache. The doctors were able to stop the bleeding but the seizures and headaches never stopped. After about a week of you being unconscious your classmates and hatsume got better.

Mei: I hope you wake up soon please.

Mei has been sitting in your room every day after she had to get stitches to her stomach. She always came by to see if you woke up yet.

The door opens

???: excuse me is this y/n l/n room?

Mei: yes it is, are you a doctor?

???: no I wish I was though

He walks up and shakes my hand

Mr. L/N: I'm y/n's father

Mei: h-his father!?!

Mr. L/N: yup and I'm guessing your mei hatsume right?

Mei: yes sir

Mr. L/N: don't be so formal its great to finally meet you. But I wish it was under different circumstances.

She looked down

Mei: me too, um if you don't mind me asking when did you get here, I thought you lived in America.

Mr. L/N: I do but when Aizawa called and told me about what happened he got me a plane down here. My wife stayed behind to look after his sister I also think she didn't want to see him like this.

Mei: yeah definitely

He started smiling

Mr.L/N: so I'm guess since your here next to him you two started dating already huh?.

She smiles

Mei: yeah we did

He smirks

Mr.L/N: he probably didn't want to tell us yet because he knew we would mess with him. I'm glad you seem like an amazing girl.

Mei: thank you.

He walks over to you

Mr. L/N: so he hasn't woken up yet. *Sigh* *he probably used it for too long what could have made him so angry.?*

Mei(crying): no not yet, I'm so scared I don't wanna lose him.

Mr. L/N: hey don't cry I'm sure he'll wake up soon ok.

She wipes her face

Mei: are you sure?

Mr.L/N: yeah something like this happened before.

Mei: you mean when he hit his head falling off the ladder.

Mr. L/N: *he told her about that.* Yeah...Hey do you mind telling me everything that happened with you and y/n at the camp Aizawa told me some but not everything.

Mei: oh ok I don't remember some because I was unconscious but I'll try.

I tell him everything the villains attack, the girl, how y/n was so angry and that his eyes and body glowed red.

Mr. L/N: *so it happened again I told him to call me if it happened.* Mei let me ask you a serious question

His face grew serious

Mei: y-yes?

Mr. L/N: did he kill anyone?

This shocked me

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