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ECL2K: hey guys its been a bit, here's the start of the work studies/overhaul arc. Heads up for the future, chapters may be a bit more spaced out. As in chapters will take a little longer to write/publish because this arc is kinda complicated. Don't worry it though shouldn't take a month (hopefully) probably 2 to 3 weeks.

Now with that being said thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and thank you for 40k views and nearly 50 followers, Have an awesome day.

It was the next day in class and mr. Aizawa was telling us wether or not we were doing the work studies program.

Aizawa: the hero work studies are a more serious version of your internships. They entail helping pro agencies on the streets and with investigations. Your teachers and the principal discussed them at the faculty meeting and we all agree...

Y/N: *here it comes!*

Aizawa: it's too soon, they should really be canceled.


kirishima: aww but we already met about them!

Y/N: *sigh* you know if you think about why we had to move in the dorms it does make sense.

Suddenly Bakugo sprung up smiling.

Bakugo: HAHA!

Y/N: wow that's the first genuine smile I've seen from you. *even though he's only smiling because he wouldn't get to do one and miss out*

Aizawa: but, some people think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that sort of protective outlook, and with that in mind the compromise is to be selective about participating agencies, so choose one with a proven track record. Otherwise you won't be taking part.

Bakugo sat back down angry

Bakugo: DAMNIT!!

Y/N: haha.


after ordering your lunch, you and mei sat down at a table together.

Y/N: see this isn't so bad, right.

Mei: yeah *sigh* I guess.

She looked down.

Y/N: are you ok?

Mei:....yeah, I'm just bored.

She put her head in the table.

Y/N: *sigh* *I know I'm probably gonna regret this* hey goggles.

Mei: yeah?

Y/N: my jet pack have been acting a little wonky lately.

Mei shot up

Mei: it has!?

Y/N: yeah and I know you probably have your tools on you so I was wondering if you could-

She quickly takes out a few tools out of her pockets.

She quickly takes out a few tools out of her pockets

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