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You wake up in the nurse office

Y/N: Wha-agh my head

Recovery girl: Hey sonny

You look beside you to see recovery girl

Y/N: Huh oh hey recovery girl what happened?

Recovery girl: you hit your head after that todoroki's ice wall came at you

You feel bandages on your head

Y/N: huh.....oh wait what time is it?

Recovery girl: its 6:50pm

Y/N: Wow I was out for that long?!

Recovery girl: well you did get hit in the head pretty hard plus I had to use my quirk to heal you which drains your stamina.

Y/N: that makes sense, wait who won the tournament?

Recovery girl: Look for yourself

She shows me a video of bakugo winning against todoroki and the sports festival as a whole.


Recovery girl: Yup threw a fit about it too

Y/N: uh-huh well better get back home its getting late

Recovery girl: Ok be careful getting home sweetie oh and here's some candy

She hands you some gummy bears

Y/N: Ok thanks recovery girl

Recovery girl: oh one more thing everyone have the next two days off to recuperate from the festival

Y/N: sweet see you later then

You wave bye and walk out of the nurse office to see a two of your classmates standing there

Izuku: hey your alright

Uraraka: yeah we thought you were out for good

Y/N: Hey guys I'm fine just a bit of a headache

We walk through the school

Y/N: man that todoroki sure is powerful

Uraraka: yeah I can't believe you took that ice attack straight to the face

Izuku: are you sure your ok?

Y/N: yeah I'm fine

Uraraka: that weird girl with the gadgets was with us but then she left

Y/N: huh she probably when hom-

We walk out of the school to see someone sitting on a bench writing in a notebook, you recognize that hair

Uraraka: huh There she is

Y/N: hey guys thanks for waiting for me I'll see you tomorrow

Izuku: are you going to be ok walking home?

Y/N: Yeah, I have to talk to someone first

Uraraka: Ok well be careful

They walk away as you walk up to the person on the bench

Y/N: hey

She can't hear you and continues to write

Mei: oooh and maybe a shiel-


she looks up to see you

Mei: huh? OH HEY YOUR OK!?!

she gives you a hug

You blush and hug her back

Y/N: Um were you waiting for me?

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