LIGHTS, CAMERAS....cameras?

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It was a new day at U.A. Mr. Aizawa met with all of us downstairs in the dorms. He told us that we we're all going to be featured in...

Everyone: A NEWS PAPER!?

Aizawa: yeah they wanna do a feature on your class for some reason.

Uraraka: hey isn't that amazing deku!?

She gets in his face as he starts blushing

Izuku: y-yup *shes so close!*

Kaminari: that's kinda surprising huh?

Kirishima: not really

Ojiro: yeah don't you remember the sports festival was on tv.

Hagakure: we gotta look super cute in case they wanna take our pictures

Mina: for sure!

Y/N: count me out.

Hagakure: what why?

Y/N: I'm just don't like the media or being treated like a celebrity, and I especially hate the paparazzi always being hounded by them, you can't have a successful date life without everyone knowing, and also if you mess up or say something stupid just once your they'll make sure your entire career is forever destroyed!

Aizawa: Alright y/n that's enough!

You froze

Y/N: yes sir

Aizawa: this isn't anything major the article is just about how your settling in and adjusting to dorm life, that kind of thing. Principal nezu thought it would be a good idea, this will show your parents and guardians that your happy here.

Y/N: *sigh* well I guess that makes sense *maybe I could send a paper to my parents I know mom worries alot.* So, what kind of reporter is this? Is it one of those sleaze bag reporters who hound you and take embarrassing pictures or is it one of those one airheads who asks you a bunch of dumb questions and rearrange your words to cause drama and make you turn on your friends.

???: well I wouldn't call myself a sleazbag or an airhead but I would like to ask you all a few questions.

???: if your willing to answer?

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???: if your willing to answer?

Some dude walks in

Y/N: *I already don't like him*

Aizawa: I didn't say you could come in yet.

???: I was told I had from 8am to 6pm so unless my watch is wrong...

Aizawa: fine.

The guy walks up to us

Taneo: hello everyone my name is Taneo Tokuda I'm looking forward to learning more about you all.

Everyone: nice to meet you.

Taneo: now you don't need to do anything special just go about your day exactly as you normally would the camera will do most of the work. And like I said earlier I might ask an occasional question or two so I hope you'll answer.

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