🎮ur my bully ;(🎮

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Sapnap walked down the hallway, trying to find George. They were all in high school, and the brunette already knew to follow the laughing. When he got there, he saw George getting yelled at by some people.

"Hey! You leave him alone dickhead!" Sapnap yelled, running down the hallway towards the people.

"Shut the hell up! Someone get him." The LeAdEr of the group, Austin, ordered. Two boys grabbed each of Sapnap's arms, holding him in place.

"Get the fuck out of here, or I'll beat you worse then I'm about to do to your friend." Austin let George scramble away. The boy turned back to Sapnap, smirking and smoothing back his black hair.

"Dickhead huh?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah.. Dickhead." Sapnap spat, looking up at Austin through his fluffy hair. The black haired boy scoffed.

"If I'm a dickhead than you're pathetic." Sapnap's nose was bleeding.

"Your friend left you in the dust."
Now his lip.

"He didn't even look back."

"I mean who would?"

"Nobody likes a loud, pathetic bitch like you."

"Not even your friends." Austin finished his little monologue, and Sapnap was practically sobbing. It was okay though, because what if he told George this?

"WHO THE HELL IS AUSTIN?!" Someone who Sapnap didn't expect to see, Dream, yelled.

"That would be me." Austin smiled innocently. Sapnap gasped, but just ended up coughing blood onto the floor.

"You yelled at GEORGE. You should know that he is with me." Dream raged, slapping Austin across the face. What about Sapnap?

"Jeez man! Shit." The bulky cursed, glaring at Dream. The other boys let go of Sapnap, who stumbled next to George.

"Hey.." He murmured, looking at the shorter brunette.

"I'm sorry I didn't help, but I mean look at Dream." George motioned to the man, who was chasing off the bullies.

"He didn't even look at me." Sapnap frowned, not knowing what he was crying from at this point.

"I didn't tell him about you." George answered. Dream started walking towards them.

"DREAM!" The short boy cheered, only puffy eyes to show that he was ever sad.

"GEORGE!" Dream threw his arms up, barely ruffed up. Sapnap laughed.

"DREAM!" He cheered as well, watching as the other two ran towards each other. Sapnap looked at the ground, where small drops of blood was coming from his fingers.

"sapnap.." he whispered, turning around and starting to walk away. Well he would've walked away if he didn't slip in HIS OWN BLOOD.

"shit." He muttered, giving up on moving at this point. Sapnap was so drained, he didn't want to do anything.

"Sap?" George fretted, running to his side.

"Oh I'm so sorry please get up! C'mon we'll go to a hospital." He pleaded, shaking the boy. Sapnap looked at Dream, his whole body shaking with each loud sob.

"What gasp he told hiccup me was true- I-I'm sob pathetic" He cried, hiccuping.

"You're not pathetic Sap.. you saved George." Dream tried to comfort, smiling.

"What about cough me? I'm hiccup a bit hurt." Sapnap whined, covering his mouth. Dream winced.

"I don't wanna see you like this."

"Dream! Wait!" George called as the tallest boy ran down the hallway disappearing behind a wall.

"He doesn't love me. Hiccup He never did did he?"

This is like a mix of two request! Uh I also saw someone basically advertising in my comments, trying to get them to read their book. I would like to suggest that you don't do that please??

I recently came out as non-binary! My name is Fawn :)

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