🕹Become human🕹

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Another weird au where Dream is an android, and he's working for Sapnap's family. I apologize for this, it's so weird omg-

"His name?" Sapnap asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at the new android they had gotten. His family was rather wealthy, and they wanted another android to help clean the house.

"My name is Dream, glad to be at your service." The blonde bowed, then smiled. Sapnap felt like he saw something in his eyes, something real. The rest of the day was chill, Sapnap was in his room most of the day, and didn't see Dream at all. Until around 7pm.

There was knocking on his door, and then a calm voice, "Can I come in?"

Sapnap answered with a yes, and soon the taller one entered the room. The brunette watched as he started to clean the room, picking up bits of trash and throwing them into a bin.

"Don't you get tired of cleaning?" Sapnap asked, feeling a bit awkward to just watch him do work.

"It's what I was made for." Dream answered, picking up a wad of paper and sticking it in the bin.

Okay this is point where I decided that this is now a smut chapter. The idea of Dream being a giant sex toy is funny. Pls don't cancel me or something lol

Dream put the bin down, and went over to the bed, leaning over Sapnap to reach more trash. The brunette had to lean back, leaving the two in a very questionable position. At this point Sapnap had a tent in his pants, and Dream noticed soon after.

"Are you alright, you seem to have a problem." He pointed it out, what the fuck. This is so awkward.

"Oh Um, just human problems?" Sapnap tried to laugh it off. Why was he being turned on by a robot. Maybe it's because he hasn't released any sexual tension in a while, and this robot is hot as balls.

"I could help.. I mean that's what I was made for." Dream slowly pushed a hand onto Sapnap's bulge, and the brunette let out a small moan at the pressure. The disc on the android's temple flashed red, and his lips curved to a soft smile.

"That was so pretty.. why do I want to hear more?" Dream murmured, circling his hand around. Sapnap gasped, falling back onto the bed and clenching his thighs together.

"This- is so wrong.." he grunted, bucking his hips upward.

"I would request that you take this off." Dream said, pulling upward on the him of Sapnap's shirt. He obeyed, putting his back up to slide the fabric off.

"My goodness." Dream smiled, bringing up one cold hand to graze over one of the brunette's nipples, pinching the soft skin. Sapnap let out a high pitched moan, seeing as the android's hand was very cold.

"You seem so fragile.. I could break you easily." Dream noted, coming closer to his face. Sapnap couldn't hold back, and ended up kissing the taller one.

"You're so needy. It brings me pleasure to have you bend over backwards for me." The blonde smiled, bringing his lips onto Sapnap's neck, kissing and biting.

"I've never thought of a human in a sexual way before." Dream murmured between kisses, then he found Sapnap's sweet spot. He knew because a sharp moan hit his ears.

"Hm? What's this?" He continued to abuse that area, until it was one big hickey.

"Oh- GOSH.. Please.. please please!!" Sapnap moaned out loudly, grabbing Dreams neck in an attempt to push him towards his crotch. He didn't budge though.

"What do you want, use your words." He demanded.

"Pleasure- down there." Sapnap breathed, squirming around in an attempt to feel something, anything.

"Hm? Here?" Dream pushed a hand down on Sapnap's crotch, rubbing.

"Hah! Mhm! There.!" He squeaked, bucking his hips up. Dream laughed, bringing his other hand to help pull down the brunette's sweatpants.

"I've noticed that your voice gets higher whenever I touch you. I'm going to take that as as a sign that I'm doing a good job." He stated bluntly, putting a cold hand straight down his boxers.

"Nrgh!- y-yeah! Like that Dreamy yes yes!" Sapnap exclaimed, his tongue slightly rolling out of his mouth. He didn't even need anything other than a handjob to come.

"Louder." Dream hummed, moving his hand around rapidly and kissing the bottom of his stomach.

"Oh goodness it feels so good!! Yes ah!" Sapnap moaned louder, and louder. His whole family could probably hear at this point.

"I'm- going to come.!" He yelled out, clenching his sheets like he was about to die or something cliche like that. Dream pulled away, leaving Sapnap to whine desperately.

"No no no! I need to come you don't understand! I have to please please!" He yelped out, trying he best to touch himself. Only to be stopped by Dream's hands.

"I am expected to go to your mother in 2 minutes. You can't come until I get back." He ordered. Sapnap let out a dramatic whine, but ended up agreeing.

"Please hurry Dream.. I need you."


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