🕹my boy🕹

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Surprise bitch

Dream looked at his best friend, admiring his beauty. He was visiting Texas. Currently they were supposed to be sleeping, but the blonde just couldn't seem to fall asleep. He tried to ignore it, he really did, but he couldn't help but think about doing things to Sapnap. Bad things.

Like pinning his down to the mattress they were on and making him scream. Or tying him up and mouth fucking him. Maybe it was because he was incredibly horny, or the ac broke, but it was hot. Dream was sweating like crazy.

"d-dream.. why are you looking at me?" A soft pvoice startled the man out of his thoughts. Sapnap was looking back at him with a loopy smile, his hair falling into his eyes.

"You're just pretty." The words slipped out without a single thought. Now Dream couldn't see very well, but he swore he saw his friend's face darken in color. Sapnap laughed, rolling onto his back.

"Dude stoop, go to bed." He whispered ever so quietly.

"If I go to sleep I might dream about things that will ruin our friendship." Dream admitted, completely not even caring about what he was saying. He was so far gone in lust that he couldn't think for himself.

"What are you on about?" Sapnap pushed himself into a sitting position, his elbow holding him up.

"I can't stop thinking about you." Dream murmured, sliding a hand down to rest under his waist band. A small gasp was the only response. Dream started to regret his actions when Sapnap got out of the bed, scurrying into the hallway. The only thing the blonde could bring himself to do was sigh. This was it. This was when he was going to loose his friend. Dream waited for Sapnap to come and kick him out, but in the meantime he'll lay in Sapnap's bed. It smelt like him, it smelt like roses. The door creaked open, and a figure walked in.

"here." A small box was placed next to Dream. Sapnap crawled back into the bed, hiding himself under the covers seemingly in embarrassment. Dream frowned, picking up the box and opening it.

There was a small bottle of lubricant, a blindfold, and a rope. Sapnap huffed, clenching onto the blanket so hard that it hurt.

"Punz sent it to me as a joke."

"Is this consent?" Dream asked, his hopes rising like a tidal wave. He watched as a tuff of dark brown hair emerge and nod slowly. The blonde smiled.

"Do you wanna be top or bottom.?" Dream figured he'd give Sapnap the choice, since he had been so kind to do this with him in the first place.

"I-I don't know.. I've never done anything like this before. I haven't even had my first kiss yet you know this!" Sapnap raised his voice ever so slightly.

"Okay, just let me ask one question. You don't feel pressured at ALL to have sex with me right?" Dream didn't want to make the boy feel uncomfortable, or pressured in the slightest. This night would be all about him.

"I've been thinking about it for a while actually. I want this." Dream shivered as the last sentence escaped Sapnap's plump lips. The blonde was quick to tackle him, giving the boy wet kisses all over. The next hour went slow, only both of the boy's shirt and pants were discarded.

"mmf! d-ream, pleasee.." Sapnap moaned as Dream added another mark to his chest. He pulled away, admiring his work. The brunette had hickeys everywhere you could see. Dream raked his eyes down Sapnap, sending a shiver up the younger man's spine. His body was perfect, the chub, the rosiness, everything.

"all mine. Please say you're all mine." Dream begged as he slyly reached into the box. He wasn't paying attention to what he was grabbing though, and it turned out to be the rope. Sapnap desperately mumbled out a tangled version of "yes" and "please." Dream smiled, taking his wrist and tying them together, them throwing them around his neck.

"I gotta prep you now okay? It's gunna hurt at first but give it a bit and it'll feel amazing." He explained lovingly.

"Okay, just hurry please." Sapnap kissed the blonde on the nose. Dream made sure he was comfortable before he slid his boxers off. Quickly grabbing the lube, he spread some on three of his fingers. Sapnap watched with hazy eyes, bouncing a bit in excitement. It was cute. Dream watched his face when he slowly slid a finger to the second knuckle.

"It doesn't really hurt it's just kinda uncomfortable f- nRgh!" Sapnap tried to muffle himself when Dream curled his finger. The older boy laughed, adding his middle finger. He began to thrust in and out, occasionally spreading them apart in Sapnap.

"f—uck! Go-d Dream yEs!" The smaller man was losing himself, all he could think was, "more just more please."

"My boy, my beautiful boy. Doing so well for me." Dream praised, earning another string of sweet noises from Sapnap. As time went on, a third finger was added. Dream loved hearing the brunette's words and noises, it was better then sex itself. After tonight he'll be addicted, always wanting, needing to hear Sapnap's voice. A new set of emotions were uncovered in each of them. Sapnap figured out he loved Dream, and Dream figured out he wanted to marry Sapnap.

"Time for the real thing okay? Shouldn't hurt much either." He said as he pulled off his own underwear, his length springing out. He prodded Sapnap's entrance, but instead decided that he wanted to change their position. Sapnap whined he got shifted around, now tied to the headboard. Dream made sure he was propped up before pulling one of his legs over his shoulder. This time he actually went for it, extremely slowly pushing him. Sapnap hissed in pain, tears poking at his eyes. They stayed still.

"Mm you're so good for me. Best boy, my boy. So pretty." Dream hummed, starting to rock back and forth. Sapnap found pleasure coming back to him, so he started crying for more.

"ShiIt. Tha-nk yoU.!" He was so grateful. Dream couldn't help but watch him, easing into a faster and harder pace. Sapnap arched his back, grabbing onto whatever his hands could reach. He must've been right on the edge of cumming.

"You doing good?"

"Yes! Dream my stomach- mmf! Feels warm.." And that confirmed his suspicions. The blonde was now focused on finding his prostate.

"FuCk! Right the-re,!" Sapnap was practically screaming.  Whenever he could, he thanked Dream. Thats all he wanted to do. Sapnap wanted him to know that he would never forget this, and he would be in debt forever.

"So close baby." Dream grunted, leaning forward to kiss Sapnap. They kissed like there was nothing else they would ever dare to think of doing. Ensuring eachother this wasn't just sex, it was love.

"DrEam!" Sapnap whined as he came, tears mixing with drool and sweat. The older boy came shortly after, rocking a bit more before pulling out. Dream untied his now lover, then left to get stuff to clean up. Sapnap just laid there dazed, not daring to move an inch.

"Thank you for being so good. You're a good boy." Dream grinned when he came back, wiping up as much as he could in the moment. They would finish cleaning when they got up. Sapnap felt warm from all the praise, he loved it.

"Now you can sleep, but first dry those tears." Dream kissed his forehead, sliding some boxers on them both. He pulled Sapnap so they were cuddling, not covered by the blanket since they were both dripping in sweat.

"Thank you dream.."


That was the best thing I've ever wrote. No cliff hangers, 1300 words of smut.

I forgot to add the part where Dream put on a condom so just pretend that was in there. And stay safe guys.

I love and care for you all so if you ever need help with anything, talking some sense into toxic friends for example, hit me up.


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